Finding a new home

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Authors note: This chapter is not that well written, I was sleep deprived while writing it, feel free to skip to the next chapter, I have a summary at the beginning of the chapter. I will probably edit this chapter later when I'm closer to being done with this work. But for the meanwhile, this work is nowhere near done as of writing this.

"Shuttle for Coruscant is arriving in ten minutes, please have your ticket with you when you board." A voice over the intercom says.

I look in my bag, I see the same things I saw before except this time only one hundred dollars. I need to find a place to stay, and fast too. I heard horror stories about Coruscant on the news back home. I have never left my home planet before. I am starting to have second thoughts about this. What was I thinking? Leaving Home for good to start a new life? I must be crazy but it's too late to go back now. I sit for a while fiddling with my necklace. Eventually, ten minutes pass and it's time to board the shuttle.

"Shuttle for Coruscant arriving now, please show your ticket to the attendant before boarding the shuttle." The same voice from before says over the intercom. I walk over to a long line of people, all of them are trying to board the shuttle. Slowly the line starts to get shorter and shorter until I'm way in the front.

"Ticket please" I hand my ticket to the attendant, she scans it and hands it back to me. 

I find an empty seat near a window and sit down. I wish I had my holo pad with me, I would make this nine-hour shuttle ride so much easier but I doubt it would work anyway. I'm pretty sure you need a Holo-plan to use it without a connection. And my parents probably took me off theirs. Still, I wish I could have had a warning so I could prepare for all this. 

Soon the shuttle takes off and I am left with nine hours of free time and nothing to do. I try looking out the window but all I see is darkness and a few stars. I think the best thing I can do right now to pass the time is to sleep. I recline my chair slightly and start to drift off. 

I woke up hours later. I look out the window again and what a surprise: It's still dark. But I notice a clock, and it says we are only an hour away from landing. I slept for eight hours. I guess getting disowned by my family over something I didn't do can really wear me out. Maybe I should use this hour of free time to figure out where I'm gonna live or what I'm gonna do for work. I think I'll just have to find the cheapest apartment for rent on Coruscant. 

I stuff my jacket in my backpack. I suddenly realize I need to use the bathroom, where is it? There is a restroom sign pointed to the back of the shuttle. I speedwalk to the bathroom and see that no one is in there. I use the bathroom and as I'm washing my hands I finally take a look at my clothes. My outfit is somehow still completely clean after sitting in a dirty shuttle for over eight hours. I'm wearing my favorite pair of jeans, a spaghetti-strap white top, a pair of sneakers, and a necklace with my favorite flower on it. In Togruta culture plants mean different things, my favorite flower means luck and joy. Hopefully, I can get some of that luck now. With all that's happened today, I'm gonna need all the luck I can get. I head back to my seat and see that we are going to land very soon. 

We land on Coruscant and I get out as fast as I can.  As soon as I get out I see several billboards one for speeders, another for a lawyer, and one for apartments. This is almost perfect, besides the fact that I have no money. But I might as well look at apartments. Thankfully there is an address on the billboard for the place to go. 

"Excuse me, but do you know how to get to 3921 Level One, Powcross Street?"

"Yeah, keep walking right until you see a building with a bright orange roof, then take a right and you're there."

"Thank you very much"

I follow his instructions and find myself on the right street. I see the building I'm looking for, I run as fast as I can. I slow down right before I hit the door to catch my breath. I open the door to the inside. This place looks kinda sketchy, only one person working, there are a lot of bugs, and the whole waiting room is kinda gross.

"Hi, I'm looking for the cheapest apartment you have," I tell the receptionist 

"Ok, not a problem, I'll let someone know and they should be right out for you."

"Thank you." I tell her. Soon a man, maybe in his fifties, walks out of a room.

"Hi, my name is Miro, what can I help you with today?

"Hi, I'm Ahsoka and I'm looking for the cheapest apartment you have." 

"Ok, well lucky for you we can go now because I already know which apartment that is."

"Great, lead the way." I really hope it's cheap.

We walk to an elevator that takes us up and down the levels of Coruscant. I've heard of the hundreds of levels in Coruscant but I've never seen it in real life. I heard that the higher up on the planet you are, the richer you are. Miro clicks the button for a level very far down, we wait as the elevator slowly takes us down many levels. 

Finally, we get out of the elevator, and Miro leads the way to a sleazy apartment.

"Welcome to the underbelly, it's the charm of Coruscant." I highly doubt that.

"This is the cheapest apartment we have for sale." 

"Wait sale!?" I nearly scream out in surprise.

"Yes, this is the cheapest apartment we have for sale or rent."

"Why is it cheaper to buy than rent?" I ask

"If the company rents it out then we have to do maintenance, fix it up, and make repairs. And with the condition, this place is in it really isn't worth it. I'm gonna to be honest with you, they're just trying to get rid of this place."

"It can't be that bad, can it?" Now I'm terrified. We both step inside after I say this and it really was even worse than I thought it would be. When I walked in I saw a small broken Bay window to my right. I also saw three rooms, I saw a big bedroom which was the first room you see when you walk in, then I saw the kitchen which is connected to the bedroom through a big archway, then lastly there was a bathroom with a shower and a sink and a toilet.

"What are all the problems?" I ask I am afraid of what he'll say.

"Well, the locks on the doors barely work, the a.c. doesn't work, neither does the heat, there's a rat infestation, the water doesn't work, as you can see there's a broken window, and that stove won't work."

I have to think about that for a second, all of these are huge problems but if I can get a job then I think it would be worth it and high school will be another six years.

"How much is it gonna cost me to buy this?"

"200$ and we'll fix the water." That's way too much out of my prince range.

"How about 100$ and you do nothing."


"I'll take it"

"Wonderful, just feel out this short form"

I finish taking the form and hand it to him. He goes back to his holo pad and does some stuff there.

"Will you be paying in cash or card?"

"Cash" I hand him the cash I have left.

"Ok, just sign here." I sign a contract he gave me and another one identical to it.

"Ok, you should be done, here are the keys to your new home,"

I take to keys from his hands and take a good look at my new apartment. Now I've just got to find a job and I'll be good to go.

Authors note: ok I am very aware this is not how real-life real estate works but those little details are boring and uninteresting so let's just pretend that's how it works in a galaxy far far away. Also, High school in this Galaxy goes from 14-21 years old. And sorry for the grammar mistakes, my Grammarly isn't working well today.

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