1. The History of the Empires

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History repeats itself in many different ways

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History repeats itself in many different ways. If any of these figures resembles others who have come before, it is merely coincidence...

The Second Galactic War, Or the last War of the Empires, in which the Imperial Federation, who then reformed into the Freed Allied Federation of Planets, fought against the Darklon Empire during the 3040s of the Inner Imperial Calendar (IIC) was the biggest turning point that integraly shaped the Geo-Galactic Politics that we know today. Between the Darklons expansion in 3035 IIC and 455 DIC (Darklon Imperial Calendar) and the end of the war in 3045, 465, 7.8 Trillion people died.
Ancient Earth, in the year 2021 of the Earth Calendar, had exactly 7.8 Billion People inhabitants.
To put that into perspective, the year AD 2222 of the Earth Calendar, the population had exceeded 7 Trillion.
By the Year IIC 3040 Humanity in Both the Inner Empire, Outer and The now United Nations of Earth had reached 300 Trillion and had spread over hundreds and hundreds of planets.
If we look at percentages of the population in each Nation is would have looked something like this:
Imperial Federation of planets: 45%
Darklon Empire: 40%
The United Nations of Earth (which at the time was The United Planets of America, the Renewed Empire of Japan and the Democratic Socialist of Russia.)

But to truly understand the galaxy's bloodiest conflict, we must go back to Noah's Exodus to Earth after the Genetic war of 5056 of the old Galactic Calendar, then to the lost Expedition to Earth sent forth by Darklon the Great in 5059. This was the beginning of discourse between house Talbot and the other 11 great houses. Now to the Founding of the Galactic Empire in year one of the Imperial Calender.
In that time the Twelve Great Houses ruled the known galaxy. From the Picon Star Systems to the Aristatole Corridor at the edge of the Interrium, and into the Etherium to the Darklonis Planets. These Houses were Aralon, Naeman, Deitres, the Royal house of Titus, Tyrellion, Koran, Dyyan, Aterris, Markis, Taekon, Talbots which ruled the frontier in the Etherium, and House Fritz. After the Genetic Wars, in which humanity fought a war over genetically modifying themselves, King Noah Von Fritz abdicated the throne and went on what is now known in our history as "The Genesis of a thousand stars", or in the Earth religions of Judaism and Christianity, Genesis.
Times move slower for Noah and his journey as it is believed he entered into a space time vortex.
King Noah received a message from the God of the universe to leave the known galaxy and to start anew, as Noah held great favor with God.
Later, after Earth was discovered in 2888, it was discovered that Noah was the beginning of Gods great favor to him and his ascendents who populated earth. Although it was IIC 2888 for the empire, it had been 6000 years in earth years. This theory stems from the previously mentioned space time vortex.
The religion of "The Way" was adopted in the Galactic Empire in 2890 by the common people. With historical records, they were able to provide the authenticity of Noah and, what earth called, the "Flood".
Christianity came to the Empire.


In 5059 of the old calendar, Darklon the Great sent out an expedition to find what happened to King Noah. Some say he did it to find and reunite with his old friend the King.
Its commonly believed, however, that Darklon the Great, wanted to find and make King Noah a prisoner and use him for political purposes.
Whatever the reason, the Expedition was lost, never to be discovered again until the discovery of earth. It was then learned that the lost expedition became the Germanic tribes and founded the Scandinavian and Germanic Earth countries.
In Earth's ancient times, they were known as the Vikings.
It was also heavily believed that a small sect of people fled the nation for fear of persecution. For they didn't want to stop the augmentation experiments. It was also believed they died in the cold vastness of space.

The Empires: Saga of the Empires Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now