8. In the Palm of his Hand

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Dusk had set its gaze upon the capital city as night would soon follow.
It was at this time that the Third Prince of Darklon found himself reading books in one of the many gardens in NollëmBerg, the Darklon Imperial palace. He still couldn't get last night's rally out of his head.
Large columns of soldiers dressed in black and gray uniforms marched down the parade grounds carrying their high banners of glory while scores of adoring and cheering civilians, both the nobility and the peasantry alike, showered them with praise.
History would remember these as giant propaganda shows put on by the D.M.C. (Darklon Militarist Council) to rally the Darklon people. They had been broadcasted all over the Empire, from the Capital planet to Astra, to the border planet of Ymir .
The highlight of the rally was the appearance of the invited Second and Third Prince. Heinrich the III and Freidreich the IV arrived in the VIP area and were seated with high honor behind the podium.
Freidreich Hiller Von Talbot watched as the Prime Minister walked up to the podium with much excitement. He wore a white and dazzling uniform topped with a peaked hat. Duke Adal Von Hälmer was a man in his early 50's, but was as spry and enthusiastic as the common soldier in his 20's.
He turned to see the two crowned princes who sat next to Lieutenant Colonel Von Hasaldorf. The Prime Minister extended a hand to both of the royal offspring which sent the crowd into an excited frenzy.
"On behalf of his majesty, Kaiser Maxamillion Von Talbot the VI, I thank you for your invitation and generosity." Heinreich said in a very adult tone. Freidreich laughed to himself. For Heinreich was barely 21 to Freidreichs 18. He was trying to sound adult.
Von Hälmer clicked his heals and saluted.
"Hail to his majesty Mein Kaiser!" He exclaimed. Heinreich returned the salute.
"Your majesty, it is an honor and a privilege to have you here. I know how busy your father can get, but it's good for the people to see the unity between the Crown and the D.M.C."


"My life's fight has not been in vain! Darklon has awakened! We have won power in Darklon! We have won power on the border worlds of Azure, Mankala,Terrus and Corrigador. Now we must win the rest of the universe! Our lightning attacks on the Federation have stunned them! Now, we must press the advantage!"
The crowd roared in agreement.
Duke Von Hälmer continued omce the crowd had died down.
"In the name of Odin and our Kaiser, we must fulfill the commandments left by Odin, and unleash Thors Hammer upon the stars!"
Freidreich watched in amazement as Von Hälmer stirred the crowd with these words. Simple as they were, but impactful nonetheless.
It reminded him of Rear Admiral Jack Vaungence, a man not lacking in ways to gain loyalty regardless of his facial deformity. He would be arriving tomorrow for the ceremony.
An aide poured a glass of wine for the preaching Prime Minister.
"For the Kaiser, who is the blessed son of the great god Odin, for the sake of the rightful rulers of the Galaxy we will push for our revenge! To Victory, we hail! Prosit!" He downed the wine glass and shattered it against the ground below.
The marching bands began to play Thor In Valhalla and soon the long column of marching men began to make their way through the parade grounds. The civilians began to sing as the marching band led the high stepping soldiers in black.

Schiffe segeln durch das kalte Ätherium,
Durch helle und alte Nebel,
Durch Sicherheit und Schutz,
Wir grüßen dich, Thor in Walhalla.

Walhalla erwartet meine Ankunft,
Während die Hölle mit teuflischer Freude auf meinen Feind wartet,
Wir grüßen dich, Thor in Walhalla.

Obwohl Etherium kalt und dunkel ist,
Obwohl es dunkel vor Geheimnissen ist, singe ich zu Dir, mein Herr Odin.

Durch Echos der Ewigkeit ruft Walhalla mich mit offenen Armen,
Ein großes Fest erwartet mich,
Wir grüßen dich, Thor in Walhall.

The Empires: Saga of the Empires Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now