3. Threat

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Three and a half months had passed since the war between the empires had begun. The year had now passed into IIC 3042, DIC 462, And so far, there had been no major progress in the war.
In the political world of the Federation, The Imperialist Party had grown in popularity as the Federalists popularity had waned.
The Imperialist party believed in a more of a centralized powerful government, that the heart and soul of a Nation was and is the Government.  The current Viceroy was the leader if the Imperialist party, Dominous Bradly.
The Federalist on the other hand believed in a decentralized government, and that each planet in the federation should have more power than the central government.
They believed that the heart and soul of a Nation was and is the people. A nations rise and fall was inconsequential compared to the personal liberties of the people.

In the military world, Rear Admiral Hiro Yakahashi had been given authority of the the 7th fleet currently fighting on the battlespace at Hamrisser Fortress around the Azure Stellar Region. With a force of 829 ships from both the 7th and the Harmrisser Garrison force, he had 414,500 spacers at his command. Including 200,000 Marines. Harmrisser Fortress had a population of 2,000,000. 1 million of those being civilians, and other non combative personnel.
The former 7th fleets Admiral, Jack Madden, was sent back to recover from his wounds. The battle, however, had come to a stalemate and began to look like the First Galactic War where both sides began to struggle to gain any ground.
What was gained was knowledge of the leader of the attacking Darklon force: Senior Admiral Hannes Von Sydock. A ferocious commander who had to be planning something. But what?
With over 1,000 ships at his command dispersed over two fleets, and 800,000 spacers, his forces tipped the odds ever so in their favor. Something was coming.
With Admiral William Adama dead, the Navy needed a new supreme commander. With not many to choose from with notable experience with warfare against the Darklons, Grand Imperial Marshal Arron Zuckoff promoted
Fleet Admiral John Paul Novak to Full Admiral and as supreme commander of the Imperial Federation Navy and Army.
As Supreme Commander his first act was to reform the remaining fleets that had been destroyed during the Diamond Fortress attack.
The remaining 4th fleet was added to the 5th fleet (Including the Juriya) while the remnant of the 1st and 9th fleet were merged to create the new 1st fleet, the 230 ships of Diamond Garrison fleet was also added. This in total gave the 1st fleet 500 ships.
Rear Admiral Miles Bay was given command of the 1st fleet and was tasked with protecting the capital planet.
In total force's combined between the 1st to 10th fleet, the Meiji Fortress Garrison, and the Garrison at Harmrisser fortress, they numbered 10,000 ships with a man power of 5,200,000.
The Darklom forces combined was 20,000 with 6,000,000 spacers.
The Federation Army and Marines at the start of the war was 2,00,000 while the Darklons own Army and Marines numbered at 4,000,000.
In both countries at the start of the war, over 25,000,000 service men and woman were already enlisted. By the end of the war over 50,000,000 would be engaged.
Fleet Admiral Novaks second act, was to call the 5th Fleets Commander, Rear Admiral James Thatch Gordon to Rigel 6.


The huge black building loomed out of the darkness of night as the navy shuttle flew towards it. Even though it was illuminated by the thousands of buildings of the city, the hulking black shape was still dark and daunting.
The Imperial Federation of Planets Joint Chiefs of Staff building was a huge black fortress in the center of Rigel City, and was high above the sky light of the city.
Greeted in the hangar by an aide, Rear Admiral James Thatch Gordon stepped out of the Navy shuttle followed by Commander Erin Hacci.
With Port Diamond destroyed and Port Elizabeth being hastily moved from Rigel 3, the 5th Fleet had to dock inside Diamond Fortress itself. Which was difficult. Although the fortress was impregnable, the Darklons had hit Rigels second moon with twenty megaton nuclear warheads in several concentrated areas. 2,000 people were sucked into space at one point during the attack in the western hemisphere of the Fortress.
The main gates that led to Diamond Fortress's inner port were very badly damaged. The 5th Fleet, over 400 ships strong, had to one by one go through another, much smaller entrance making it harder and longer to dock.
The flight from Diamond by shuttle to Capital city was about a three hours.
The Aid gave a crisp saluted. The pair returned the salute in kind.
"Admiral Gordon, Supreme Commander In Chief, Admiral Novak, is waiting for you in his office." The aid relayed.
"Just me?" Gordon asked.
"Yes, sir." The aide said. "But, Commodore Hacci can wait for you right outside."
The two parted as Gordon went with the Aide, and Commander Hacci, annoyed at having made the 3 hour decent, waited by the shuttle.

The Empires: Saga of the Empires Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now