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Hyunjin wanted to ask for a help as if he has chance.

''Taehyun!'' Called Hyunjin. Taehyun gave a look to Hyunjin and smiled. Hyunjin smiled back.

''Can you help me for solving this problem?'' Asked Hyunjin.

''Sure but wait its bit confusing i didn't solve that one but wait. Let me solve that problem'' said Taehyun and started to solve problem in blackboard. Hyunjin smiled finally had solved his own problem.

''Done!'' Said Taehyun and bell rang.

''Oh no..'' said Hyunjin.

''Show teacher before its late'' said Taehyun and took his seat.

''Teacher i'm done!'' Said Hyunjin and showed answer.

''Hmm good i put you A'' said teacher.

Hyunjin looked to Taehyun who was sitting on first bench. ''Thank you so much! You saved my life!'' Said Hyunjin.

''What?! Thats nothing'' said Taehyun.

''But for me that means a lot'' said Hyunjin and winked. Taehyun awkwardly laughed and covered his face.

Hyunjin could feel Minho's glare towards of him. Was he jealous?


After school Hyunjin arrived home. It took hours to study and it was already 3 AM.

''Oh i gotta sleep'' said Hyunjin.

Simple school day. Hyunjin was sitting with Woojin. It was break time.

''Okay imma go canteen. You too?'' Asked Woojin.

''No thanks i don't want to eat anything'' said Hyunjin.

''Okay i'll be back'' said Woojin and left.

Hyunjin was just completing his homework but someone came disturbed him.

''Hey Hyunjin'' said Heeseung.

''Hey Heeseung how are you'' Heeseung used to be Hyunjin's seatmate.

''I'm fine but.. can you do me a favor?'' Asked Heeseung.

''Uhh..yes.. sure whats that?'' Said Hyunjin.

After few minutes Heeseung handed Hyunjin money. Hyunjin was confused.

''Umm can you buy some sweets from bakery shop which is close to your house? I've heard it has good umm.. products..'' said Heeseung.

''Yeah sure i'll give it to you tomorrow'' said Hyunjin and was about to take money but someone came.

''He wont buy anything for you'' said Minho in a serious voice. Hyunjin was shocked. Why is Minho here. Heeseung glared to Minho.

''Don't even come close to him'' added Minho. His voice was too serious made Hyunjin confused as well.

As it was end of the class Minho put his bag and went near of the class door.

Changbin was slowly packing his bag.

''Changbin.. Whats wrong with your friend?'' Asked Hyunjin.

Chamgbin wanted to say something but Minho called him.

''Hey! Are you coming or not?'' Called Minho.

''Okay text me okay?'' Said Hyunjin.

''Yeah fine'' said Changbin and left.

Hyunjin arrived home. It was dinner time. Hyunjin was eating dinner which his mom has prepared. Suddenly Hyunjin remembered he has to text to Changbin and ask why Minho acted like that.

Hey wassup

Maybe you would tell me whats wrong with Minho?

Sorry i can't text you anymore

Or else Minho gonna kill me😐😑🙄

Chat was deleted by Changb1n

''What? Whats wrong? Is Minho getting this much jelaous? Why is that?'' Hyunjin though as he really was confused.

Hyunjin woke up by hearing sounds of alarm.

''I wish it was reality. All i saw was reality..'' though Hyunjin untill he totally woke up.

''Wait it was all dream'' tears escaped from Hyunjin's eyes.

As nothing happened Hyunjin had breakfast and went to school. He was just one minute late. Hyunjin ran towards of his class.

When he arrived class he saw his teacher Mr.Park was standing near the door.

''Sorry i'm late'' apologized Hyunjin.

''Oh you are just a minute lare what should we do?'' Said sarcastically Mr.Park.

''May i come in?'' Asked Hyunjin.

''Ahh look you left your pen here why did you do that?'' Asked Mr.Park. Hyunjin was confused and every class attention was on Hyunjin.

''What? where?'' Said Hyunjin.

''Look down'' said teacher. Amd Hyunjin saw pen and put it to the desk.

''May i come in?'' Asked again Hyunjin.

''You are already in'' said Teacher. Hyunjin was done with this teacher. Why he wants long converstation with him.

''May i take a sit already?'' Hyunjin seriously asked.

''Oh okay go and take your seat'' said Mr.Park who was just kidding but Hyunjin was on his serious mood.

As always Hyunjin didn't pay attention and started to practice on Chinese. Without it he has good grades.

''Okay so.. Changbin i saw you were smoking'' said Mr.park.

''What?'' Changbin was confused.

''Yes you were smoking near the shop outside of school'' said teacher.

''No i wasn't! I don't smoke!'' Said Changbin while Minho was laughing by seeing his friend's awkward moment.

''Also Woojin saw you'' said teacher.

''Why to include me though'' whispered Woojin in anger.

''Right Woojin?'' Said teacher.

''Why you including me?'' Said Woojin.

''Becaise you were such a good boy in your previous class'' said teacher.

''But still i don't smoke'' said Changbin.

''I know i was kidding'' said teacher.

Teacher saw that Hyunjin was practicing chinese so teacher stared at him. Hyunjin was feeling awkward. Hyunjin didn't like this teacher because he was youngest. Park Jimin only 5 years old older than Hyunjin.

A/N: enjoy reading.

Tomorrow i have mock exam from IELTS😭

Anyways have a good day))

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