Chapter Six

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Copperpaw kept close to the rest of the cats, claws unsheathed and jaws parted, ready for a attack. She was checking the twolegplace border on the sunhigh patrol with Cedareplt, Badgerwhisker, Dustpaw, and Hawkscar. The group stopped when twolegplace came into sight and spread out a bit to begin marking the borders. Leaves rustled and the wind shifted, sending the familiar scents of strange cats towards the group. A patrol of five rouges, only two old enough to be warriors and one hardly old enough to be a apprentice came into sight. Spotting the Clan cats, a white and ginger she-cat with a missing eye shoved the youngest cat, a brown tabby, behind her, snarling a warning.

"Get off our territory." growled Cedarpelt, digging his claws into the ground. The rest of the patrol backed up the deputy, showing teeth and claws.

"Your territory? Who says it's yours?" the brown striped kit asked, peeking out from behind the orange and white cat and ducking when she tried to hide him again.

"We were here long before you." Badgerwhisker meowed, nodding at the kit calmly.

The kit hissed and unsheathed his claws, aiming to leap at Badgerwhisker, but at the last second sneakily changing and attacking Hawkscar with a yowl.

The silver she dived, it was unclear if it was to retrieve the annoying furball or assist him, but that was all it took. Imeddiatly, cats were leaping, twisting, turning, biting, and clawing. Feeling the excitment of a battle rush through her, Copperpaw tackled a silver furred green eyed she-cat.

"Get off, Crowfood!" Copperpaw shoved the silver cat, about her age, off of her. The poor cat hit a tree, but sprang to her paws, hissing angrily. Copperpaw hissed back, daring her to attack again. The silver cat snarled and jumped, flying towards her with claws outstended. Instinctively, she rose to meet her, the two cats crashing and falling over onto their sides, luckily little blood being drawn. The sliver cat was up first, not getting a chance to react before Copperpaw was standing. Standing there, staring at each other, both cats suddenly looking a bit reluctant to continue the fight.

Copperpaw and the silver cat both had a few scratches each on their bellies and sides. Copperpaw also had one on her back and the silver cat had a bitten tail when they were down.

Suddenly, she screeched and dashed off. Copperpaw watched the silver cat join a grey, black side striped she-cat fighting Cedarpelt. The two battled well together, doing surprisingly nice work using teamwork against such a experienced cat.

Copperpaw looked around for Dustpaw and saw her battling a speedy and agile grey tabby with her mentor. He whipped around, dodging an attack from Badgerwhisker and at the same time clawing Dustpaw across the flank. Dustpaw screeched and jumped at him. The whirlwind of a cat made a attempt to move, but Badgerwhisker pinned his tail, tripping him. He yanked away before he was pinned, dashing partly up the closest tree and then jumping off, flattening Badgerwhisker.

Hawkscar was gently wrestling the young brown tabby tom, using his strength against the protective white and orange she-cat with a missing eye. Hawkscar reared up into his hind legs, towering over the she-cat who tried to twist and trip him but found herself hit by a huge force as the grey tom brought down his legs. Winded, she collapsed. Hawkscar turned to the kit who had been watching the fight in amazment. A look of anger crossed his face as his protecter went down. He darted toward Hawkscar and began pummeling him. The older and experience cat easily flipped and pinned him. The brown cat, now pinned by Hawkscar, tried to claw at his stomach but his legs didn't reach. The missing eyed she-cat stood and screeched, tackling Hawkscar off of him, but, instead of attacking, moved to protect the tabby, her eyes wide with fear. She had the instincts of a mother, despite being too young to have kits. "Retreat!" yowled the whirlwind cat, spotting the two in trouble.

Dustpaw and Badgerwhisker stopped attacking him, allowing the tom to escape. The two shes that had been battling Cedarpelt scampered over to, what Copperpaw assumed, was their leader's side. The brown tabby stood and straitened and he and the orange and white cat joined the grey tabby. "This battle was pointless and inconvenient." He hissed to the brown tabby, who glared strait back, a challenge replacing the fear in his eyes. The five cats turned and disappeared towards the thunderpath before anything more could be said.

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