Chapter 7

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Olivia's POV

I glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table, its digits glowing 6:05 am. It had become a routine for me to be awake at this early hour, unable to find any respite in peaceful sleep. Turning my gaze to Elijah, his strong hand gently encircling my waist, I realized that he remained blissfully unaware of my sleep troubles. I didn't want to burden him with the knowledge, fearing it might disturb the harmony we had cultivated in our relationship.

Fortunately, my work obligations required me to be up by 7 am, so I found solace in knowing I wouldn't have to lay here much longer. I couldn't help but wonder if I would cross paths with Zoya today. It had been two days since I gave her my number, but she hadn't reached out to me. It seemed she had no trouble getting along with the rest of the cast. Recalling the look on her face when I handed her my number, a mix of surprise and a hint of horror, I couldn't help but giggle at the memory. Thinking about it, she always looked at me in that unique way. While I had encountered many fans who admired me, there was something different about Zoya. She made me smile not just because she was a fan, but because her personality was genuinely fun. She was refreshingly real, unafraid to embarrass herself. I missed having someone around who felt authentic, even if she still admired me.

I haven't had the chance to see her act yet, but Ezra informed me that Zoya was excelling in her table reads, diligently memorizing her lines and putting in the hard work. We still had two more table reads lined up, and I couldn't help but hope for an opportunity to be paired with her in today's session. Unlike every other day, my table read was scheduled for the evening not the mornings, as I had to shoot an advertisement for a new perfume before heading to Ezra's production company.

As my alarm clock began to ring, Elijah stirred beside me, enfolding me tighter in his embrace. I reached over and turned off the alarm, attempting to gently remove his hands from around my waist. However, instead of releasing his hold, he pulled me even closer, trailing kisses along my neck.

"Where do you think you're going?" he groggily asked me.

"As much as I enjoy this, I have to go to work," I giggled, slipping away from his grasp.

"That's not fair," he grumbled, frustration evident in his voice as he hit the pillow.

"You were the one who fell asleep last night," I replied, planting a quick kiss on his forehead before making my way to the bathroom.

Our intimate life and relationship were both satisfying and healthy; I couldn't complain. I was grateful to have someone like Elijah. However, sometimes things felt like more of a routine or obligation. Maybe it was natural with our busy schedules and the inevitable monotony that crept into our lives. We found ourselves planning every step, even our intimate moments. Ezra often commented on how strange it seemed, but for me, love was about more than just the physicality. At least we had a mutual understanding when it came to this aspect of our relationship.

I took a refreshing shower and opted for a simple, comfortable t-shirt knowing that my stylist would take care of choosing my outfit when I arrived. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I noticed the slight bags under my eyes, causing a hint of dissatisfaction. Deciding to cover them up, I reached for my sunglasses and confidently walked out of the house to get in my car.

"Good morning, Noah," I greeted, fastening my seatbelt, to which he simply nodded in response.

"Always the talkative one, aren't you?" I chuckled, casting a glance at him through the rearview mirror.

"You've got Miss Ava for that," he finally said, a slight smile gracing his lips.

"Touche. Let's pick her up before we end up being late. I have a jam-packed schedule today," I replied, recalling the busy day ahead of me.

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