Chapter 11

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Zoya's POV

As the days passed, I couldn't help but replay the events of that unforgettable evening with Olivia over and over in my mind. The way her hand had gently rested on top of mine, her words echoing in my ears like a soothing melody, and that unexpected kiss on my cheek that sent shivers down my spine. It was all so overwhelming, like a whirlwind of emotions that had left me feeling both exhilarated and completely spellbound.

Despite Sebastian's continuous advice not to raise my expectations, and despite knowing deep down that he was probably right, I couldn't help but hold onto a glimmer of hope within my heart. Perhaps, just maybe, someway and someday, we would find ourselves closer.

The table reads had come to an end, and tomorrow marked the first day of filming. My anxiety soared, knowing that I was about to step onto a set unlike any I had ever encountered before. Everything was bound to be different, and despite my worries, I couldn't contain my excitement for the new experiences that awaited me.

As I anxiously waited for Sebastian to arrive at my house, ready to help me with studying as we had agreed, I desperately hoped that his guidance would somehow alleviate the mounting pressure of my upcoming exams. Just as anticipation gripped me, a notification chimed on my phone, leading me to assume it was a message from Sebastian. I eagerly snatched up my device, greeted by the sight of my lock screen displaying a cherished photo of Olivia and me. Her gentle lips pressed against my cheeks, capturing a fleeting moment of happiness that contradicted the horrified expression on my face. Despite the unexpected contrast, it remained one of my favorite pictures, a bittersweet reminder of a taste of what I can never have.

With a quick swipe, I unlocked my phone, only to be met with an unexpected sight: it wasn't Sebastian, but Olivia who had sent the message. My hands grew clammy with nervousness, as I never anticipated she would actually reach out to me. My finger hesitated for a moment before finally pressing on the notification, unsure of what awaited me in her message.

Olivia 6:55 pm Hey Zoya! Just wanted to give you a heads up that Michelle took the time to review and revise your contract. I'll make sure to bring it along tomorrow so you can reach out to Emre and set up a meeting. Michelle will accompany you during the signing process to ensure that everything goes well.

I re-read the message repeatedly, trying to comprehend its contents, and finally breathed a sigh of relief upon digesting the news. Now, all that remained was for Emre to sign it. I couldn't help but wonder about the adjustments Michelle had made, but I fully trusted Olivia's judgment.

After contemplating for a few moments, I decided to simply express my gratitude. I typed back, "Thank you, Olivia! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." However, my finger hesitated over the send button for a while. The message sounded a bit formal, and I wanted to establish a closer connection with her. In a moment of clarity, I deleted the message and replaced it with, "Thanks, Oli! Let me treat you to coffee tomorrow." Determining it was the best option, I finally pressed the send button.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the message Olivia had sent. Seeing the three dots that shows she is typing, I swiftly closed the chat window to ensure it wouldn't show as "seen" once she sent her message. Overwhelmed with excitement, I buried my face in my pillow and let out a gleeful squeal. The fact that I was having a conversation with Olivia felt almost too good to be true, like a blissful dream come to life.

I heard my phone ding once more, i tried to wait for few secones before i opened it but miserably failing to do so, i ended up opening it rignt away

Olivia 7:04 Oli? That's a new nickname, most people call me Liv, but I really like the sound of Oli. As for a nickname for you, I haven't quite come up with one yet, but Zoya is already such a cute name.

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