Chapter 15

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Zoya's POV

I plopped onto the couch, ensuring that the popcorn in the bowl remained intact. I preferred lying down while watching a movie while Sebastian occupied one of the two chairs. , just as I was about to settle in, Olivia surprised me by sitting beside me and helping herself to a handful of my popcorn.

Confused, I glanced at her, and she responded with one of her cheerful grins. "I thought you said you didn't want any popcorn," I remarked, rolling my eyes.

"I may not want any, but that doesn't mean I won't share yours," she chuckled, explaining her actions.

"So, you're one of those people," I playfully teased.

"One of what people, precisely?" she feigned offense.

"Food thieves," I deadpanned.

"This is hardly theft," she defended herself, snatching the bowl from my hand. "What would you call this, then?" she asked mischievously, helping herself to another handful.

"Grand theft!" I exclaimed, attempting to grab the popcorn back. However, she playfully rested her palm against my forehead, forcing me to futilely wave my hands in the air, trying to reach it.

Suddenly, Sebastian's voice interrupted our comical struggle. "What's going on here?" he inquired, causing both Olivia and me to startle. In her moment of surprise, Olivia removed her hand from my forehead, causing me to fall forward and inadvertently plant my face into her neck.

Her skin felt warm and soft against my face, its intoxicating scent overpowering my senses. Startled by the intensity of the moment, I quickly jolted back into my seat, feeling heat rush to my face, turning it crimson.

"Zoya wants to steal my popcorn," Olivia responded nonchalantly, completely unaffected by the whirlwind of emotions that almost overwhelmed me. I couldn't deny it any longer; it was painfully clear that she only saw me as a friend. She didn't even flinch.

As disappointment washed over me, I'm certain my emotions showed on my face, for Sebastian gave me a sympathetic look before making his way over. He handed me his popcorn, offering comfort in the simplest of gestures.

"There, I'll make myself have another," he said kindly, patting my head.

"Nooo, but I wanted to share!" Olivia protested, pouting playfully, unaware of the turmoil within me.

"Have you ever watched the show 'Friends'?" Sebastian asked Olivia, and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Zoya is just like Joey, she doesn't share food," he chuckled.

"Ah, so you're one of those people," Olivia responded teasingly. I managed to muster a small smile in return, but deep inside, I was still struggling to move on from the disappointment.

"So, what are we watching?" Olivia turned her attention towards the TV.

"Finding Nemo," I said, grabbing the remote. In response, I heard Sebastian groan in frustration.

Olivia burst into laughter, but then quickly realized that I wasn't joking. "Really?" she asked, clearly confused.

"Really," I affirmed.

"Did you invite me over just to watch a Disney movie?" she asked, continuing to be perplexed.

"Pixar, actually," I rolled my eyes, clarifying the distinction.

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