Chapter 17

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Zoya's POV

I stepped onto the set, my head throbbing from the remnants of a memorable night with Cadence. We had decided to share two bottles of wine when we reached my apartment.

When I awoke, Cadence was nowhere to be found. She left a note explaining that she had to rush off to work. I hope that we were both on the same page, that what happened was for fun as I wasn't ready for another commitment.

As I entered the set, my attention was immediately drawn to Olivia, who sat in her chair, deeply engrossed in the script.

Approaching her, I leaned over her chair, trying to catch a glimpse of what had captivated her attention. "What has you so focused?" I asked.

Startled, Olivia placed her hand over her chest. "Work," she responded, briefly glancing at me before her gaze returned to the script. It was the first time I saw her distant and less welcoming.

"Oh," I feigned a smile, concealing my disappointment. "Alright, I won't keep you then." I turned to leave, hoping to hide my true feelings.

"How was your day yesterday?" Olivia's unexpected question made me stop in my tracks. I turned back towards her, puzzled.

"Your exam?" she clarified, raising her eyebrows. "What else would I be talking about?" Her words made me feel as though I had been caught in a lie, even though there was no lie to be caught.

"My exam went well," I replied, my throat feeling a little dry.

"And the rest of your night? it seems like it was a nice one," she added, her usual radiant smile missing.

"It was good. I had a few drinks, so I woke up with a headache," I responded, feeling an uncomfortable sweat forming on my palms. I couldn't help but feel as if I were under investigation, even though there was no reason to.

Olivia fell silent for a moment, her expression revealing numerous thoughts running through her mind. Eventually, she nodded and returned to her script, leaving me bewildered. I quickly walked away, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Seeking solace in the cafeteria, I made myself a cup of coffee, sensing that it would be a long and challenging day. As I sat there, sipping my coffee, my thoughts continuously returned to Olivia. Something was off. Had something happened between her and her husband? Maybe that explained her sour mood. Normally, she would join me for our morning coffee and engage in lively conversation. However, this morning she didn't even acknowledge me.

I frantically searched for any reason that might have caused this sudden change. Did I do something wrong? We were on good terms until I left yesterday. Perhaps Ezra mentioned something to her. He seemed to notice my discomfort; maybe he filled her in on the details.

Why did I have to be so foolish? I knew I would eventually mess things up, but I never expected it to happen this soon.

Ezra walked into the cafeteria, casting me a peculiar look. I couldn't decipher if it was sympathy or anger.

"Zoya," he called out to me, his voice stern, causing me to jump in my seat.

"Yes?" I stammered, fearing that he might fire me.

"Go to the makeup crew on set," he instructed, rubbing his forehead wearily. "Let them fix this," he said, gesturing towards me. Suddenly self-conscious about my appearance, I realized how terrible I must have looked. "And when you're done, come find me. We need to talk," he added before walking away.

"Just what I needed," I muttered, taking a deep breath as I settled back into my chair. If I was going to be fired, I might as well enjoy my coffee while I still can.

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