Chapter 9

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Olivia's POV

My eyes couldn't help but linger on Zoya, taking in her shaken demeanor. The interaction with Anne had clearly unsettled her, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for stepping in the way I did. Maybe I should have given her some space and let her handle it on her own, but something about Anne's condescending tone towards Zoya just infuriated me.

Ava's gaze on me was telling, and I knew she had a different perspective on the situation. Being in the public eye meant navigating through delicate politics to maintain my image. Not only could the paparazzi have captured the entire exchange, but Anne's actions had the potential to ignite unnecessary attention online. Yet, deep down, I couldn't bring myself to care about that. I despised people like Anne who seemed intent on bringing others down.

While the rest of the cast continued their conversation, the three of us remained in a tense silence. I could only wonder what Ava was strategizing in her mind, perhaps already formulating a damage control plan if the situation escalated. But what was Zoya thinking in that moment? Did I overstep my boundaries? Was she simply upset about running into her ex?

"Zoya, let me give you a ride home," I declared, deciding to end this tense situation and maybe take a moment to check on her.

"That's alright, I will take a taxi," she answered, avoiding eye contact. It was clear that she was still upset with my interference.

"I insist," I said, determined to ease the awkwardness hanging between us.

"Maybe it would be best for everyone if she took a taxi," Ava interjected. Although I appreciated her concern for my public image, I couldn't help feeling frustrated with her constant need for control. She knows how much I despise being managed, and she could at least grant me the freedom to offer my friend a ride home.

"I'll be going ahead then," Zoya said, getting up from her seat.

I shot Ava an angry look and gestured for her to wait inside as I followed Zoya outside.

"What's gotten into Olivia today?" I heard Anthony ask Ava, to which she replied with a statement I couldn't quite make out.

"Zoya, wait! I need to apologize," I hurriedly called out, finally catching up to her.

"Apologize? For what?" she responded, confusion evident in her expression.

As we stood there, a sudden flash from a camera interrupted our conversation. I momentarily forgot that we were in front of a busy restaurant in broad daylight.

"Please, just get in the car. Let's talk," my eyes pleading with her to understand. I kept my body language relaxed, trying to prevent any unwanted speculations or rumors about a cast argument.

She looked around, her gaze shifting to the growing number of people gathering around us. She nervously bit her inner cheek, contemplating her response for a few moments. Eventually, she nodded slowly. A sigh of relief escaped me as I gestured for her to follow me into the car. Once we were safely inside, Noah drove us away from the gathering crowd.

"Thank you," I said, my voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I was really hoping we could have a moment to talk, so I could apologize."

Curious, she raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

I nervously scratched the back of my head. "For meddling in your business. I assumed you didn't want to talk to her, so I asked her to leave. In doing so, I might have unintentionally ruined your chance to fix things."

Her eyes softened as she shook her head. "You've got it all wrong. I actually appreciated that you came to my rescue. She was making me feel incredibly uncomfortable, and you didn't do anything wrong."

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