Chpt 1

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Watching at the dinner table as Levi and Mary chat it up was making y/n angry

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Watching at the dinner table as Levi and Mary chat it up was making y/n angry. She bit into her f/f angrily. " I can't believe you haven't watch Naruto yet." Levi says as he pouts a little. "Well Levi I saw every last bit of Naruto it was actually my first anime." ( True facts for blxckbarbie ) Mary giggle and said " I didn't watch it cause I was busy holding a anime marathon party with a bunch of friends." Levi eyes lit up with excitement. "Woah your so cool Mary." That's it now y/n was extremely mad.

Y/n raise up from the table and leave the dining room feeling livid. " That stupid tramp is getting to comfortable with MY otaku." Y/n says as she goes to her room and sits down on the bed. "She thinks she got it all cause she watch anime and read manga." Y/n thought as she starts to rummage through her draw. "Well I'll just eliminate her." Y/n said as she grabs her knife out of her draw. Y/n never really except to go this crazy especially over Levi. But she was and Mary wasn't gonna get in the way.

Putting the knife under her pillow she walks out of the room and towards Levi room. She stands outside his room and waited for him to finish dinner. After waiting for at least 10 minutes she sees Levi pop the corner with if course Mary. Y/n sigh and straighten up her posture. "Um Levi c-can I talk to you please." Y/n says as she looks at Levi with puppy eyes. Levi instantly started to blush. " Yes I got him , puppy eyes always work." Y/n thinks. Mary looks over at y/n with anger. "But Levi you said we was gonna watch anime." Levi looks over at Mary and then at y/n.

"W-we can once me and y/n have our conversation." And with that y/n and Levi enters the room leaving Mary outside.

" And with that y/n and Levi enters the room leaving Mary outside

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Entering my room with y/n I knew something was wrong. "What's the matter y/n." I ask while touching her shoulder. "Well I just feel like you been ingoring me since Mary got here. I mean you ask her to watch anime and read manga with you but what about me Levi." Y/n says while putting her head down. I started to feel bad. I didn't think I was ingoring her but just hearing how sad she sounded really broke my heart . "Y/n I'm so sorry." I say while wrapping my arms around her. Y/n pulls away from the hug first and we look into each other eyes. And then out of no where y/n kisses me.

☁️slight lemon☁️

I miss back immediately. Sliding out tongues into each other mouths fighting for dominance which I surprisingly won. I pick y/n up and lay her down on my couch. I get on top of her not breaking the kiss and starts to unbutton her shirt. I kiss down her collarbone making my way to her bra. I pull her strap down and leave little love kisses all over her shoulder. She moans into my ear loving the affection I'm giving her.

I go down on her leaving kisses everywhere I go. I get to her panties and remove them. Kissing up legs and inside thighs. Y/n starts to pant heavy. Making my way to her slightly wet pussy I hear a knock on the door. " Levi are you and y/n done with you guys talk."

Slight lemon over ☁️☁️

We get up quick and y/n buttons her shirt back up and and slid her panties on. I open the door and there stood Mary outside my door with tears in her eyes. "Y-you left me out here Levi , did you forget about me. " She says as she grabs my shirt. I comfort her in a hug and rub her back. "N-no I was coming back." I say. I see y/n get up and make her way towards the door.

Getting up to leave I walk past Mary and she then whispers in my ear

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Getting up to leave I walk past Mary and she then whispers in my ear. "Stay away from Levi y/n." My blood starts to boil.

" Oh yeah that's bitch is going down."

End of chapter 1

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