TF1 Chapter 5

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I hope you enjoy it. you meet the bots and stuff so there's more action here. 



 I was in the back of the car as the tension between my brother and Mikeala was getting awkward.  

"Cars a pretty good driver," Mikeala commented. I rolled my eyes at the teenage angst happening in this car. It's probably a good thing this car can't talk. I probably shouldn't be complaining, when I was Sam's age I was extremely nervous all the time. 

"Yep, why don't you sit over there," Sam said looking to the seat next to him.

 "I'm not sitting there he's driving!" Mikaela argues. 

"Maybe you should sit in my lap" Sam offers as I grit back a laugh. I think I might have underestimated my brother. 

"And why would I do that?" she asks as I also wait to hear my brother answer. 

"Because there's only one seatbelt, you know safety first?" Sam replies, smooth  I was impressed 

Mikaela looked at Sam with suspicion, I would too, honestly before mumbling an ok and scooting into the driver's seat. I heard the seatbelt click and I smiled slightly. I have to be honest I was impressed. 

"You know the seatbelt thing was a pretty smooth move" Mikaela admits 

"Thank you," Sam said,

"You know what I don't get?" Mikaela asked (I cannot spell her name anymore ;-; ) "He is supposed to be like this super advanced robot but he turns into this piece of crap Camaro?" Mikeala's words must have offended him because he dumped us in a busy tunnel with people honking angrily at us.  

"Oh shit," I muttered.

"Great, now see," Sam said "You pissed him off... I mean 4,000 dollars just drove off!" Sam panicked as I looked around. A nice new yellow Chevrolet Camaro was revving its engine and approaching us. 

I smiled at the car "You look better!" I complimented as the robot opened his door and I climbed in first because I had to sit in the back. 

"Thank you (y/n)," the robot said through clips of a radio as Sam and Mikaela got in the car. I wonder if he has a name. Then maybe I won't feel so weird calling the robot an 'it' or 'robot'.

"Nice upgrade man!" Sam compliments as I smiled. We drove down the road and spotted shooting stars that slowly got bigger... wait those aren't shooting stars! 

Meteor-looking objects started raining from the sky as we drove. The car stopped at a statue. We get out to see the falling objects. Sam points them out as the meteors roared past us almost shaking the ground. The winds it created sent shivers down my spine. One of the meteor objects crashed into the dirt. It transforms into a silver, slim robot. It looked directly at us for a second then it runs off. We get into the car and drove into an alley that was empty and hidden from view. 

We got out of the car when an ambulance, a silver Cadillac, a black GMC truck, and a red and blue semi truck with flame decals drove up to us. The truck transformed into a tall, masculine, maybe even handsome-looking figure. Oh god, I need to sleep! I'm thinking a fucking robot is hot! He had bright blue eyes almost like Sam's car's eyes. I turned behind me to see the others transformed into robots, including sams car. I turn back to see the tall robot on one knee in front of the three of us. he looks at us and for a reason, his eyes looked to have dilated a bit when he looked at me. 

  My chest dropped when he spoke "Are you Samuel James Witwicky and (Y/N) (Y/m) Witwicky,  descendants of Captain Archibald Witwicky?" he asked in his baritone voice. 

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