TF1 Chapter 8

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 if this is late I'm sorry 


I think I fell asleep between the car and the helicopter ride here. I stirred awake as all the recent events played through my head. We met the Autobots. Agents came and arrested us. I pointed a gun at a guy named Simmons. ...Yeah I'm in deep trouble.

There was a girl with blonde hair and a chubby guy wearing a football jersey. Sitting in front of us. We shared awkward looks at each other. 

"So," Sam said defusing the growing awkwardness. 

"What'd they get you for?" the blonde asked, she had an accent. 

"I bought a car, and turned out to be an alien robot," Sam said as the guy in the football jersey mouthed something with a fearful look on his face.  "Who knew," 

"What about you?" I asked 

"I stole secret codes from The White House" she pointed at the guy next to her with her head "He helped decode them," The guy next to her smiled at us. 

"Are you in the army?" the guy asked motioning to my dog tags.  

"Probably not anymore, I pointed a gun at a federal agent," I said as the guy sits back more mouthing something again. I smiled as we landed and we were put in a car driving towards the hoover dam. Then we were facing god

"Hey kid," Simmons said, "I think we got off on a bad start," Can you tell I was being sarcastic?

"Bad start my ass," I mumbled 

"You must be hungry, you want a latte, hoho, double venti macchiato?" he offered 

"Wheres my car?" Sam asked. Simmons gave him an annoyed sigh

"Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully," Simmons placed a hand on my brother's shoulder. "People can die here. We need to know everything you know and we need to know it now.

"Ok, but first, take me to my car, my parents. Maybe you should write this down. Oh, and her juvie record, that's gotta be gone, like forever. And my sister stays in the military" Sam tells Simmons as Mikaela and I probably had thankful looks on our faces. 

"Come with me, we'll talk about your car." the agent said, he lead us into the building and Sam put an arm around my neck 

I turn to him"Thank you," I said 

"For?" Sam asked as I smiled 

"Trying to save my ass," I said as Sam smiled too

"That's what family is for," he said as we walked to a group of familiar faces I smiled as Epps saw me and smiled walking towards me. 

"Witwicky!" he greeted, I hugged him 

"Hey!" I said as Will walked to me also hugging me while the others were patting my back "Nice to see you guys in one piece," I said

"Yeah, about that, we really could have used you in Quatar," Will said as I gave him a confused look.


"We got attacked, the whole base, then we got attacked by a huge scorpion," Will said 

"Oh, so I guess you're not the only one who has seen them, they're fucking scary, can't imagine," I said as a guy in a mustache stepped up to me. 

"Are you (y/n) Witwicky?" he asked 

"Yes sir," I said as he offered a hand and I shook it

"I am Tom Benachek, you understand the mistake you made when you were arrested, correct?" he asked 

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