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A grand cenima room is shown before threw bright lights pop up as three groups of people fall into the room screaming. Many groans can be heard as one by one they started to get up. "Who ever doesn't get there hand off my ass will lose them"a voice shoots gaining a a few certain vampires attention.

Kol mikealson who was daggered looked towards his wife who was getting up with a groan but he noticed something different about her she wasn't the same peaceful girl he remembered "nelanie"he says softly causeing said women to snap her head in his direction as a few certain people look towards her with wide eyes.

He wasn't the only one jack and rose look towards there best friend knowing she doesn't have her humanity on. Stefan and Damon look over at there little sister they hadn't seen here since 1864 the night they were all turned into vampires.

"Where are we"Rebekah asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What does it look like"nelanie says with a smirk as kol and his siblings raise an eyebrow before senceing something off about her.

Soon there was a bright light an a women appears in front of them as the Mikaelsons eyes widen in disbelief" ayanna?!"they all shout.

Ayanna smiles at the once she considered her own flesh and blood "hello welcome I have brought you hear to watch the life of nelanie and how to change her out come of a very tragic experience"she says looking at nelanie with said eyes.

Stefan turns to his sister "what tragic experience is she talking about"he asked.

She looks at him with a blank look she only said one name"titanic "she says causing many people to gasp having read on about what happened.

"Wait you mean the ship titanic that sank in 1912"Elena asked in shock that her boyfriends sister was on a ship that made history.

Nelanie raised an eyebrow "what other ships do you know that hit an iceberg and sank"she asked blankly as jack and rose look at there best friend with sad eyes knowing that all the pain and death she went through left her humanityless.

Kol studies his wife"your humanity is off"he says to his wife who turns to face him"well that happens when your husband is not around when you go through something dramatic like that"she states coldly as Klaus winces knowing if he hadn't dagger kol while she was gone he could have been there to keep this from happening.

Her brothers eyes widen"husband?!"the shout in disbelief while the mystic gangs mouths drop to the floor.

Ayanna then claps her hands"we'll have plenty of time to discuss this during breaks now please introduce y'all's self and then we can began."she tells them.

The Mikaelsons stepped forward starting with the eldest.

"Finn mikaelson original vampire"

"Elijah mikaelson original vampire "

"Klaus mikaelson original hybrid"

"Kol mikealson/ Salvatore original vampire "

"Rebekah mikaelson original vampire "

Besides rose and rack the others that came with them are gasp in shock.

The mystic gang then stepped forward.

"Elena Gilbert human"

"Jeremy Gilbert hunter of the five" gaining a shared look from the Mikaelsons.

"Caroline Forbes vampire"

"Tyler Lockwood werewolf"

"Bonnie Bennett witch"

"Jenna summers human"

"Alaric saltsman vampire hunter "

"Matt Donovan human"

The Salvatore brothers then stepped forward.

"Damon Salvatore vampire"

"Stefan Salvatore vampire"

The brothers the turn to the sister" nelanie Salvatore vampire "she says blankly.

Next were the people from titanic who stepped forward.

"Cal hockley "says a man filled with arrogance.

"Ruth Dewitt bukater"says a women who held her head high.

"Rose Dawson "says a yung women causing cal and Ruth's to snap there heads in her direction.

Then everyone turn to the last person beside nelanie who was checking her nails blankly."jack Dawson"causing her to freeze as she slowly turns her head as she shakes her head "no no that's not possible me and rose watched you disappear beneath surface of the Atlantic ocean"she says as she can fill her humanity switch flickering.

Jack gives his best friend a sad smile"I am but some how I was brought here I've seen the pain you've been through since that night" he says Walking up to her before pulling his best friend into a hug and that is when her humanity switch flipped as tears build in her eyes as she gasp with pain as all those feelings flood back in as she lets out a heart shattering cry as everyone beside Ruth and call looked at her with sympathy.

Soon they were all sitting nelanie with the Mikaelsons, jack and rose while the others scattered around as the lights dimmed. 

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