folk music party

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Nelanie was shown leaning on the gunwale of the first class deck under the start sky as the wind gently blows through her hair as she hears foot steps approaching she turns to see jack and rose walking to her with big smiles.

"Hey nelanie we were wondering if you wanted to go to a real party"rose says as nelanie raised an eyebrow before Whooping is heard as people can be shown playing golf music as nelanie looks around with a smile as she watches people clap and dance around while some where drinking and arm wrestling. Fabrizio was shown dancing with a woman to the folk music as they laugh rose was clapping to the music as well.

Jack was shown dancing with cora as he twirls her in and out as cora has a big smile on her face.

Tommy is then shown bringing over drinks as he hand a her one" thank you Mr tommy"she says as she then takes a sip.

Glass was heard crashing as a drink men where arm wrestling before the men was helped up and drinking again as rose and nelanie laugh with joy.

Jack kneels down in front of cora"I'm gonna dance with her now all right"he says as cora nods her head before he grabs roses hand bringing her to the dance floor.

Cora looks up with a frown"your still my best girl cora"jack says as smile forms on her face.

Nelanie smiles Getting up as she walks over to cora holding her hand out"would you like to dance with me"she asked as cora smiles up at her before soon she was dancing to the music with cora.

Nelanie tears up just at the sight of cora remembering hearing her and her parents cry's from with in titanic as she heard they drowned this one of her favorite memories of her time on Titanic.

After having dance with cora she joined rose and jack on the stand as they watch jack do some kind of tap dance before both women share a look with one another before they take of there heels and handing them over making jack confused before the do the same tap dance with the beat as he smile whooping before doing another one as the girls smile doing the same thing.

"You are an excellent dancer love"kol says as nelanie smiles "you should know kol we did dance on a few occasions"she says with a smile.

Rose and jack smile remember one of the best nights of there life while cal glares angry at them.

Nelanie laughs getting off the stage before she goes to there table were tommy was shown in an arm wrestling with another man before jack reaches over grabbing there drinks as he hands nelanie and rose there rose basically inhales hers as jack stares in shock.

Rose sees his look before takeing a breath from drinking her drink"what you think a first class girl can't drink"she asked as nelanie raised an amused eyebrow with a smirk as she takes a sip of hers.

A man accidentally drunkenly stumbles into them causeing some of the bear to splash on them as they laugh. Tommy loses the arm wrestle as beer spills everywhere. Rose leans over sitting her drink down before taking Tommy's cigarette out of his mouth "so you think your big tough men"she says takeing a drag before blowing out smoke."lets see you do this"she says taking a few steps back she has jack hold the tail of her dress before taking a deep breath with her arms in a slight perfect circle form before she slowly starts to rise up before she was on the very top of her big toes as the others looked shocked while nelanie smirks impressed before rose started to feel pain"ow!"she says before falling into Jack's arms.

Nelanie laughs with the others as the clap"Jesus Mary and Joseph"a women says beside her with a laugh as she was holding a drink.

"You alright"jack asked as he has his arms around her.

Rose laughs with a smile "I haven't done that in years"she says but what neither of them knew was Lovejoy spotting them with the third class as they soon were all hold hands as they danced around in a circle.

It was the next morning when rose and cal were shown eating breakfast out side private balcony cal was calmly drinking his coffee when Ms Trudy walks over"coffee sir"she asked politely but cal just shakes his head as she and the butler walk away.

"I'd hope you would come to me last night"he asked rose calmly.

"I was tired"rose lies as she sets her coffee cup down on the plate she was holding.

Cal nods his head "exertions below decks were no doubt exhausting"he says making rose look at him in shock before she calmly sets down her coffee cup"I see you had that undertaker of a man's servant follow me how typical"she says.

"You will never behave like that again Rose do you understand?"he ordered her.

"I'm not a foreman at one of your meals that you can command I am your fiance "rose says standing up for her self as cal glares with a smile"my fiance"he says before standing up as he throws the table over making the table ware shatter"my fiance!"he shouts as rose sits there in shock as she looks at cal with fear.

"Yes you are! And my wife! My wife in practice by law, so you will honor me! You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor her husband. Because I will not be made out a fool rose"he says cornering her into her chair as she shakes with fear before he walks away.

Ms Trudy then comes out seeing rose I'm a shaken stay as she gasp in shock as she lowers her self to the floor to pick up the mess"we had a little accident I'm sorry Ms Trudy let me help you "rose says with shaky hands as she trys to help pick up what was broken but Trudy stops her"it's all right miss"she says with a sad smile as rose leans back into the chair as she quietly sobs into her hand.

It was deadly silent as cal gulps before he is soon slamed into the wall as nelanie bares her fangs"you disgust me! You should never put your hands on a women! And if you ever lay a hand of rose it will be your last mistake!"she roars tighting her cletched hand around his neck as he chokes.

Jack gets up as he walks over to his best friend "come on nelanie he will get what's coming to him"he says as he glares angry at cal.

Nelanie glares before dropping cal on the ground as he gasp with air before she turns and walks away as she sits down beside her family and friends bristleing with anger.

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