getting to a boat

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The lights of the passage flicker as nelanie looks up worried they needed to get to a boat and out of this passage.

Up above the bow rail is shown have way under a the ship moans as it sinks slowly before soon it was under. Titanic bow was under water as it slowly sinking as the stern lifts up slowly not out of water yet as some of the life boats were rowing away as they stare at the ship in front of them.

Ruth and Molly were looking at the ship in shock"now there's something you don't see every day"molly says as Ruth worry's about rose as she stares at the ship.

A rocket was fired at it shows up in the sky as titanic was shown out in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Titanic was shown again as panicked shouting is heard as another life boat was being lowered.

A life boat was shown being filled as luggage was being tossed to make room. Cal was shown pushing people out his was as an officer was pulling a elderly woman from her husband as she cry's while being helped into the boat she didn't want to leave him.

Another woman was about to be helped before she pulled away"no!"she cry's wrapping her arms around her lover as she kisses him with tears running down her face.

Many have tears seeing this as many women were having to say goodbye to there husbands and lovers and children having to say goodbye to there father's not knowing if they would love or not.

Cal was looking for Lovejoy before spotting him"Lovejoy"he calls as he walks over to the man "she's not on the starboard side either "Lovejoy informed cal.

"We're running out of time this strutting Martinet isn't letting any man on at all"cal says annoyed.

"There's one on the other side letting men on"lovejoy says as cal nods his head"well then that's our play we need some insurance first com on"cal says as he and Lovejoy walk away.

Nelanie walks walking in front water up to her waist as she stops seeing the way they came in flooded with rapid water"damnit this was the way out"she cry's with frustration as jack thinks"then we'll find another way.

A passage was shown as a locked door was kicked off it's hinges as a panting nelanie steps out followed by jack and rose as they start to walk as a stewardess follows them"what do you think your doing you'll half to pay for that you know that's White star line property as nelanie whirls around"would you shut the hell up!"she yells stunning the man before she, jack and rose walk away.

Back on deck a women taps the officer's should"will you hold the boat a moment? I just have to run to back to my room"she says but the officer just picks her up sitting her on the life boat as she looks up at him in shock"she's the last "light holler says as Mr Andrews was shown walking towards him wearing a lifebelt."Mr light holler why are these boats being launched half full"he asked.

"Not now Mr Andrews "me light holler says but Mr Andrews wasn't having it"there look 20 or so in a boat built for 65? And I saw one boat with only 12 12!"he says as Mr light holler was breathing heavily."we'll we weren't sure of the weight Mr Andrews these boats may buckle "he explains.

Mr Andrews shakes his head"rubbish!they were test in Belfast with the weight of 70 men.  Now fill these boats my lightoller for gods sake man!"Mr Andrews says as Mr lightoller turns to the boats that are rowing away before he nods his head"please I need more women and children please!"he says to the crowd as he helps an elder women into the boat.

A lifeboat sails away from the ship as one was was being lowered have way to the water. The steerage entrance was opening as an officer was pushing the people back as they close the hatch locking it.

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