humanity part 1

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Titanic's bow was shown completely under water as some passengers were screaming as they had to wade through the water as she continues to sink.

Some officers were shown above as they were trying to get a life boat off the roof by a large funnel. Tommy and Fabrizio were shown moving around people trying to find boat.

The officers carefully place the life boat on the boards to slide down but it crashed. Murdoch walks over to the entrance to the level below but it was flooded with water making him worry as creaking is heard.

He walks forward "get these davits cranked in! Let's get the falls hooked!"he orders his men as he helps.

Cal was shown busting through a door as people were running around scared out of there minds as he follows but he can't see anything so he climbs onto some to look over the people before he looks to see a looter girl crying for her parents as she is huddled in the corner cal looks at her before shakeing his head as he gets done before moving forward.

Nelanie looks at him with anger"are you that selfish that you would let a little child die"she asked with hate as cal looks away.

Nelanie,rose and jack jug up the stairs well as they continue while creaking can be heard from the ship as titanic was shown with the front deck under water as the officers Carter's are next to go in minutes as she sinks.

"Stop pushing!"Murdoch order as a man screams falling off the ship into the ice freezing water as he screams in agony"stay back!"Murdoch orders the men around him.

Tommy is in front of the crowd "will you give us a chance to live you limey bastards"he shouts at Murdoch who was holding them at bay with a gun.

"Ill shoot any man who tries to get past me! Get back!"he orders.

"Bastards!"tommy shouts as a cal pushes his way to the front he was confused on what was happening "we had a deal damn you!"he whispered to Murdoch who just takes the money cal put in his pocket throwing it back at cal who looks shocked "your money can't save you anymore then it could save me get back!"he says pushing cal back to the others.

A man is shown rushing over fixing to climb of the rop until he is shot down by Murdoch another man climbs over accidentally pushing tommy forward causing will to shoot him.

Nelanie gasp as she leans against the wall have heard tommy shouts in pain as he was shot tears well up in hears eyes before another gone shot was heard as she looks up at the ceiling "god please help these innocent people"she cry's before rose grabs her arm pulling her along.

Murdoch looks in shock as he took an innocent life as tommy fall to the ground with Fabrizio kneels down beside him"tommy! No! No! Tommy!" He yells with grief as tommy just lays there dead as blood oozes from his mouth.

Nelanie cry's seeing this back then she heard it but seeing it was so much worse kol runs a hand through her hair as she cry's into his shoulder as many people look at the lives being lost with tears.

Fabrizio looks up at Murdoch with anger"bastardo!"he yells as blood runs from tommy down the deck as Murdoch stares at what he has done backing away slowly he backs up to the edge of the gunwhale starring at the people in front of him nodding his head as he solutes to his fellow officer before putting the gun to his head.

The officer realized what he was going to to do as he moves forward to stop him"no will!"he shouts.

But will shot him self out of guilt before tumbling over into the freezing water dead with a splash.

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