separate paths

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Rose stares at her friend with sad eyes but before she could say anything a staff man with a clip board walk over"name miss"he asked gaining rose attention as nelanie vanished as rain was pouring down on them"Dawson rose Dawson"she says before turning back to nelanie but frowns seeing that she was gone.

Lewis was then shown"we never found anything on jack there's no record of him at all and we're still combing through nelanies things"he says.

Nelanie tears up remember there things from her and kols past that she left behind the night titanic sank as kol hugs his wife tightly.

Rose smiles"no there wouldn't be would there and nelanie was always a mystery and I've never spoken about either of them until now. They exist now only in my memories that was the last time I ever so nelanie as well." She says with tears built up as she thinks about them"not to anyone not even your grandfather a women's heart is a deep ocean of secrets "she says as her granddaughter Izzy smiles with tears.

"But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson and nelanie we were like the three musketeers. They saved me. In every way a person can be saved. I don't even have any pictures o them all I have is the memories in my heart"she says with tears as she finishes her story.

Nelanie,jack and rose all share tearfull smiles with each other.

Soon the subs were shown disappearing as the ship was once again left in the dark.

Later on that night rose was shown walking along the deck as the wind blows gently as a moon was shown high in the night sky as she walks over to the rail she has one final piece to do before she joins jack

She places her hands on the railing as she gently places her foot on the bottom rail bar as she holds her self up as she smiles gently before opening her hand showing the heart of the ocean necklace still looking the same as it did that day.

"You waited for this to happen for so long didn't you"Elena asked with tears.

Rose softly smiles "I kept my promise all I had to do was put the final piece back"she says as jack holds her close.

Young rose was shown looking up at the statue of liberty before frowning in confusion as she feels something in the pocket of the coat she was wearing before pulling out the heart of the sea as old rose was shown again as she smiles softly before clutching on to it for a moment before tossing it gently out into the sea as he slowly sinks down back where it belongs.

Soon she was shown asleep as pictures of her life were spread out over the room as she peacefully passes away in her sleep as a zoom in through the water is shown as the bow deck rail is seen as a zoom past across the deck as the once wrecked ship is shown slowly going back to its beautiful glory as the grand stairs were shown as the door was opened showing every single passenger that passed on the ship as they all smile before jack was shown stareing at the clock before smiling as he turns around before rose was shown young again in a beautiful white dress as she smiles at jack.

They soon share a passionate kiss as the passengers of titanic cheer loudly before they slowly start to fade away now in peace in a white light.

Back on that day in 1912 nelanie was shown on a hunt first she followed cal as he was walking into his room. As he paces he jumps when nelanie was suddenly behind him before he glared "rose should have been alive not you"he spits going to slap her when he gasp in pain as she holds his wrist with a blank look.

"You think I care"she says coldy before breaking his arm as he screams before choking as she grabs in neck as her eyes darken with fangs descending before ripping into his neck as he screams.

Nelanie had to look away with tears she was a monster without her humanity kol senceing her thoughts as he holds her face making her look at him"you are not a monster you had to block all that pain and suffering out no one is holding that against you my love"kol says as she sobs in his arms as the others look at her with sympathy.

Ruth and a few other firsts class men heard screaming as they rush towards cals room as they try to open the door but it was locked. Soon they managed to get it open but what they saw made them gasp with horror they cal layed dead with his head beside him as blood coated the walls.

Soon the door slams behind them as a lock is heard"hello remember me"nelanie says with a blank look with blood dripping from her mouth as blood coated her dress.

Ruth and the man slowly back up with fear"you I knew there was something in human about you"she says with fear.

"Well your right About one thing I'm not human I haven't been human since 1864"she says as all there blood went cold at the words that just came out of her mouth. Her eyes darken as she smirks coldy with bloody fangs before launching forward with a hiss as men can be heard screaming as they were drained of blood and ripped apart. Ruth and the men who always drunk brandy were shown huddling around a corner shaking with fear as nelanie tossed another dead body to the side.

"Hmm what to do with you too...oh I know "nelanie says before speeding over to them as she grabs ahold of there necks as they choke before Locking her eyes with there's as they delilate"you won't remember anything about vampires and a psycho killer was responsible for your friends deaths"she compels them before vamp speeding away just as a blood curdling scream was heard from Ruth as everything goes black.

The lights turn back on Stefan and Damon she a look before Stefan turns to there sister "I'm sorry we weren't there for you and we promise to be there for you now on and if kol makes you happy we will support"he says with a gentle smile.

Nelanie smiles at her brothers before throwing her arms around there shoulders as she hugs them"thank you"she says with a tearful smile as everyone smiles at the heartfelt moment as jack and rose share a look as they smile at the siblings as they hug one another.

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