Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Horror flooded through Devinah as she saw Klink thrust the sword into Salem's vulnerable flesh. Dark blood gushed from the wound as Salem flinched away. Before Klink could try another lunge, Salem plucked Klink up in his sharp talons. He brought the man close to his eye before snapping the sword into tiny pieces with his other claw.

"Trying to kill me will in no way prevent your fate," Salem's voice sounded into every mind.

Devinah tried hard not to look at the gash in Salem's skin. She quickly tried to make her way back down the castle stairs to get to him, so she could help him.

A screeching noise stopped her. She glanced up from her stumbling on the stairs to see that Salem held both Klink and Raven. Salem showed no weakness even as his wound continued to bleed.

"All who witness this punishment need to remember this day. None of you will have to hold a Promise Keeper this time. This is what will happen to any who oppose the King or Queen of Halloween again," Salem's words reverberated with intensity into every mind.

With all eyes upon him, Salem placed the two traitors to Spookville upon the ground. Before they could scurry away or try to protect themselves, Salem acted.

The flame that blazed from Salem's mouth was a fierce orange, which aimed straight at Klink and Raven. There was no burning or charring that Devinah had expected to see.

Salem placed the figures on the ground as the inferno embraced them. Raven made her way toward Klink as if walking through thick honey. She embraced him as a thick orange gloop surrounded them. As the gloop began to solidify, Raven raised her eyes to look at Klink only to find him looking down upon her.

As Salem's fiery breath ceased, the gloop moulded around the punished two. The statue of the two embracing formed its final motion before forever becoming frozen in place.

The burnt orange colour had turned clear showing each individual expression. Raven and Klink stared at each other with a resigned look. Devinah wondered whether they regretted their decisions or not.

With ease, Salem picked up the statue and deposited it in the middle of the square beyond the castle stairs. It took one more fiery breath to fuse it to the ground.

He turned back around and scooped Devinah into his claw. After he had placed her on her feet, he changed back to the form she was most used to seeing.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly.

"I'm more conflicted then I thought I would be," he replied.

"What about your wound?"

"That's nothing. Dragons heal fast," he pressed a hand into his side to show her that the wound was nothing but an angry scratch.

"And so, we have concluded what we put into motion all those years ago, Salem," Severson said as he walked towards his son.

"We did," Salem agreed.

"You have also found someone within that time," Severson peered with interest at Devinah.

"I don't think you can be the only one pointing out about having someone," Salem let his gaze fall upon his aunt, who hovered at the edge of the awaiting crowd.

"Touché," Severson agreed with a grin that showed fangs and a cheeky wink.

Salem turned to the crowd, raised his hands for quiet and not a voice spoke, "my Spookies, we have vanquished those who wished to take over our spooky paradise. Now we can embrace out Halloween world and make it spookier then ever!" Salem declared.

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