The Meeting

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"Alright, everything should be ready for you." The manager smiled and handed you your key to your motel room. "Feel free to call or come down to the front desk if you need anything."

"Thank you." You replied, grabbing the key out of her hand and walking towards the stairs.

You had recently decided to move to New Mexico, somewhere you hadn't thought of living originally, but it just managed to happen. You weren't exactly thrilled at the thought of staying at a motel instead of an apartment, but until you were at a good financial stage you felt this was the most comfortable plan.

You sighed as you walked up the steps, thinking to yourself, "I might as well introduce myself to my neighbours if I plan to stay here a while. There's no harm in just getting to know who I'm going to be spending the next few months with.."

You reached the hallway to your room and suddenly felt a peculiar scent reach your nose. You couldn't exactly identify the smell exactly, but it sure wasn't that pleasant to you.

Holding your breath as you went closer to your room, the stench started to become harsher as you walked forward. You felt frustrated as you thought, "If the smell gets worse... I'll probably just ask the manager to move rooms.. she seemed kind."

You unlocked your room and placed your bags on the counter, looking around at the decor. It wasn't the biggest room, but it wasn't small either. It was about the perfect size for you to be able to do your daily tasks. You swore you could hear some distinct yelling from the room next to you.. you couldn't exactly make out the conversation that well.. something about... asian teens? Maybe you were hearing things, you did feel jetlagged after all from the flight.

"Well, might as well introduce myself to my neighbours," you thought to yourself while taking a deep breath. You went out of your room and locked the door, the strange scent filling your nose once again, you sighed.

You walked up to the room next to you, inhaling quickly before taking a step forward and knocking.



"Maybe they aren't home..." You thought while taking a step back, ready to head back to your room until you heard a soft click.

Before you could even look at who opened the door, the scent you had been smelling increased by a tenfold, hitting you like a tidal wave.

"Can I help you?" A deep voice sounded out, seeming annoyed at your abrupt appearance outside their door.

"Yes.. sorry I just wanted to—" You choked on your words as you turned to face the person who opened the door, meeting the soft, brown eyes of a short woman.

Your mouth gaped as you stared at her. She had a red bandana tied around her long, curly hair, with a matching red coca-cola tank top to go with it. She was dressed in worn-out jeans and had no socks on.

"S-sorry... I just... wow.."

The woman smirked at you, "Surprised, huh?"

You gulped as she took a step forward.

"You're quite cute... you may not be a asian teen... but I could make an exception for you."

Tophiachu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now