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It had been a week since you met Tophia. You were surprised that you guys became friends so quick, you would've never had expected to have made a connection as quick as you did.

Although... something about her seemed.. how would you put it.. off? You had remembered how she reacted when you questioned what she meant by, "you might not be an asian teen."

— 1 Week Prior —

"You're quite cute... you may not be a asian teen... but I could make an exception for you."


"..What?" You said, confused if you misheard her or not.

You glanced up to her face, noticing how her smirk fell and she suddenly looked uncomfortable. You swore she gulped as she started to speak,

"What..? I didn't say anything.."

You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked into her eyes, trying to think of a response. There was no way you were that jetlagged.. right? There was no way you just misheard her that badly. You opened your mouth then quickly shut it. Maybe you were just jetlagged.

"Ah.. I must be jetlagged from my flight. What did you originally say?" You spoke, sounding somewhat suspicious.

You could've swore you saw relief flash over the womans eyes.

"I didn't say anything, are you sure you're alright?" She said, furrowing her eyebrows in what seemed like forced concern.

You quietly reprimanded yourself. Now why would she lie to you when you just met her? Its rude to assume that of a stranger. You mentally punched yourself.

"Sorry.. I must be really jetlagged." You replied, quietly chuckling at the end of your words.

"Don't worry about it, now... why don't you tell me your name?"

— End of Flashback —

For some reason, a weird feeling in your chest arose when you thought of what she had said. Would she really lie to you like that? You swallowed as you continued to fiddle with your spoon, swishing it around your cereal.

Could it really just be a coincidence that she mentioned asian teens not once, but twice? What if—

A knock rang across the walls of your room.

"Who could it be this early in the morning...?" You questioned as you unlocked your door, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

What a coincidence.

As you opened the door, a familiar smell reached you. When you glanced down, you saw an all-too familiar smirk looking up at you.

It was Tophia. She was dressed.. differently today. She was wearing her usual bandana, this time in a white color. Her shirt was some sort of cartoon.. or anime character.. he had pink hair and somewhat resembled a clown. She was wearing bright blue jeans and black crocs with pins of different food on them.

"Why would you choose a corn pin out of all the cute croc pins?" You wondered.

One thing that struck your attention was the backpack on her back, you didn't see it at first due to its small size. Your eyes flicked back to Tophia.

"Y/N! Its good to see you.." Tophia smirked.

You felt butterflies rise in your chest. "Tophia... What are you doing at this hour?"

"Well... I thought you and me could go on a little trip together... to the supermarket." Tophia smiled at you, her gummy teeth flashing your eyes.

You blushed. "Ah.. I'm kind of.. occupied right now. I have work in—"

Tophia scoffed, "Work, seriously? Come on, just come with me." She shifted to the side, her stench becoming stronger.

You swallowed, "Tophia.. I can't miss work." You felt uncomfortable.

"Y/N.. social media is my full-time job. I earn so much from it that I could just pay you for a full day of work if you just came with me." Tophia glanced up at you, smirking and coming closer to you.

You stiffened as she got closer. "Oh.. well.. sure.. I guess...?"

You didn't really want to necessarily go, but you felt pressured since Tophia was your only friend here.

"Y/N... you won't regret this." Tophia winked as she took your hand.

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