Not-so New Start

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Your eyes widened as the music started playing. You.. recognized this song. You looked over at Tophia and stopped breathing. Tophia had a wide, open smile on her face as she sung along to the lyrics. Her eyes glanced over to you, and her smile grew. You felt words get stuck in your throat as heat creeped up to your cheeks.

You felt butterflies arise in your stomach, tickling you and making you feel so love-sick. You let a smile grace your lips as you saw Tophia enjoying the music, her eyes closed, her head swaying side to side, her hand so close to yours on the blanket that you can feel the heat radiating off of it. You stared at her until the song ended, feeling like you were put into some sort of daze.

Tophia looked over at you and blushed, "Y/N.. did you like it?"

You spoke quietly and looked at her, "I liked it because of how much you were enjoying it."

You felt enjoyment in seeing the blush appear on Tophia's cheeks. You glanced at her lips, although they looked like they needed lip balm.. they looked so... kis—

You stopped your thinking in its tracks as tophias hand graced your face. Your eyes shot over to her face and you felt your heart begin to pound. You sat there, feeling a desire run through your heart to your chest.

Her other hand went up to your neck, slightly caressing it. Your face felt like it was on fire. She slowly moved your hair away from your face, making you shiver in the process. Her hands moved down from your neck and face to your shoulders, holding you tightly as she gazed into your eyes with a primal, intense gaze. Her face moved closer to yours, you could feel her breath tickle your nose, the scent of Mountain Dew making you feel under a daze. She looked down to your hands, which were set in place on your lap. You could feel your heartbeat resonate throughout your body, making you close your eyes and take a deep breath. It made you feel like your heart was about to beat out of your chest. You felt like you were about to explode from how hot your face felt, how hot everything felt. She grabbed your hands, slightly caressing your palms and the marks, making sure to trace the patterns. She moved her head down and kissed your knuckles, making your eyes widen and you stifled a gasp. She looked up at you, a gaze that one may compare to a predator looking at its prey. She glanced at your neck and went down and started to run her lips across your collarbone, you felt a shiver run down your spine. She glanced up at you with a smirk that feels so familiar, despite the short time you've known eachother. You felt... somewhat safe within her embrace. She moved her head up, grabbing your chin and tilting it down to force your eyes to meet. Your eyes closed naturally, your breath coming out in short pants. You felt so nervous. She moved her face closer– almost like.. she was about to kiss your lips. She came even closer, her lips about to touch yours. Tophia moved her face closer, then—

"TOPHIA!" You heard a loud shout, and it made you flinch away from Tophia, her hands dropping from your face and you both pushing eachother away like you were shocked. You swallowed as you turned your gaze over to the person who yelled. You were shocked to see a man, some-what short, near Tophia's height. When you glanced over at Tophia, you paused.

Tophia looked different, you'd never seen this expression on her before. She looked shell-shocked. Her eyes were wide open, as if she had just seen a ghost. Her lips were parted, and she was breathing in and out heavily, as if she had just ran a marathon. Her eyebrows were furrowed together in what looked like a mix of anger, distress and concern. You didn't know what to make of it.

The man had long, brown hair. You could spot the grease from where you were sitting. It looked like he hadn't showered in weeks. You could also smell him, it reminded you of Tophia.

"N-Nova... what are you doing here..?" Tophia spoke, sounding as shocked as she looked.

"T-Tophia... are you.." The man, so-called Nova, stopped speaking as he looked at you. His gaze so full of rage and disgust. You felt like a monster.

"Are you.. cheating on me..." He finished.

You gasped, looking over at Tophia, who had her head down.

"T-tophia.. you.." You started, feeling tears build up in your eyes.

You got up and threw Tophia's backpack at her, the man, Nova, running over to her and cooing asking if she was okay. You stood there for a couple seconds, breathing heavily with tears running down your cheeks.

"Don't ever talk to me again, Tophia." You spoke, venom lacing your words.

"Y/N... Please.." Tophia looked as heartbroken as you felt.

You stormed out of the field, wiping your tears with your hands as you ran.

You swore to never talk to her again.

— 5 Hours Later —

You had talked to the manager about checking out of the motel, deciding to move into a friends house back at where you originally lived. You were dragging your suitcase along to a taxi, until you heard a shout.

"Y/N!" It was Tophia. She was waddling down the stairs.

"Please, don't leave me..." She said.

"I hate you, Tophia." You said.

"Please..." Tophia said, full on sobbing.

You got in the taxi and left. So much for a new start.

— The End —

note: hi, i really didnt expect people to read this 😭 but if u made it this far thanks for reading!! this is a joke if it wasnt obvious so i hope no one actually takes this seriously haha

if anyone actually wants a sequel i could make one but thats probably unlikely ! thank u for reading this silly little fic and i hope it made u laugh a little

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