#3 (Harry Styles)

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"Wait right here, love. I'll go get you something to drink from that stand over there." He points to a park bench so you walk a couple feet over and sit down and cross your legs then look up at the trees.

"I love fall." You think to yourself. You are so distracted at looking at the leaves blowing in the wind and a watching a little boy flying his kite that you are almost in a trance. Suddenly your phone rings, waking you up. You pull it out and see its from your mom. "Mom! You know I'm out at the park with Harry! I don't wanna talk to you." So you let it ring. "I'll see her later, it'll be fine."

As you look up from putting your phone is your purse, you see Harry pay the man for two drinks and start to turn back towards you. You slowly smile as you see the look of concentration on his face as he tries to keep from spilling the contents.

"I can not believe he is mine. It's so surreal. It's been 5 months now but it feels like yesterday when we met. Oh how things have changed," you silently think to yourself.

When you met Harry you couldn't stand him. You thought he was a selfish, arrogant young man and you couldn't stand to be around him. But he was so persistent and figured out how to change your opinion of him through your friends. "Those traitors," You think, "helping him figure me out. *shakes head* I'm so glad they did!"

After multiple weeks of not leaving you alone you finally gave in after your best friend convinced you he's not a selfish arrogant young man. He just comes across that way. "If it will get you to quit bugging me about him then fine. Next time he asks me out, Ill say yes." You tell your best friend after getting sick of arguing.

Little did you know your best friend told Harry about that discussion and he asked you out in front of her. Now you had no way out. But boy were you glad you said yes. He is such a gentleman and so kind and caring. Always thinking of you and never himself.

You smile at the memory of the first time you two kissed. You could see Harry was nervous and so were you. You guys had been talking while snuggled up on the couch, when suddenly the conversation turned you two. Harry's eyes kept darting to your lips and you knew what was coming. You could also feel the anxiety coming from him.

Harry, "the womanizer", as the media calls him, was afraid to kiss you. You wanted to chuckle but you were just as afraid. You've kissed somebody before but never had your feelings been so strong.

You see in his eyes he really wants to kiss you but he's timid. You wrap your arms around his neck and snuggle up closer. You start running your fingers through his curls. As soon as you do that, he immediately relaxes and you see the confidence rising in his eyes. He grabs the back of your neck, very gently, like he's afraid to hurt you. He starts pulling you closer. Pretty soon your noses are touching and you know he's gunna kiss you. Suddenly your eyes fly open and uh-oh, Harry's leaning in! You back up and then "ACHOOOO!!" You sneezed.

Harry looks at you so confused and almost hurt that you can't help laughing at his expression. You sit up normally and open your mouth to apologize but before you can get words out, Harry's lips meet yours in a shy yet confident kiss.

Your eyes shut and you wrap your arms around his neck again and lean into the kiss. Twisting his curls seems to have a positive affect on Harry as he deepens the kiss. What a wonderful first kiss.

Wondering where Harry is now, you start looking around. You don't see Harry where he last was on the way back from the drink stand. You don't panic but you stand up and start looking around. "Ah, there he is." You sigh in relief.

You start walking towards him but then realize he hasn't seen you. He has stopped dead in his tracks and is completely in a daze looking at something you can't see. You can't help but assume the worst. You approach Harry very carefully as you know when he's deep in thought, he's in another world.

You gently touch his shoulder and he shakes his head, bringing himself back to reality. When he sees you standing there his smile gets huge. But then he sees the concern in your eyes and immediately asks what's wrong. "Nothing, Harry. I was just wondering what you were staring so intently at." His smiles grows a little bit and he gets a twinkle in his eyes.

He grabs your shoulders and spins you around then places you right in front of himself, wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing his face next to yours and whispering into your ear, "Look at that couple over there." You look over towards the little creek a out 100 feet away.

There on the bank of the creek was an elderly man and elderly woman on a picnic date. You look at Harry with questions in your eyes. He tells you to keep watching.

You can't hear what they are saying but you can tell they clearly communicate without saying very much. Then the lady gets up and walks towards her husband and sits down right next to him and he wraps his arm around her letting her hide in his chest as he leans down and kisses her head. Then he looks off into the distance and you two see his mouth moving. It takes you a few seconds to realize he's singing to her. Your heart melts and you turn so your facing Harry with tears in your eyes. You notice that tears are running down Harry's face.

"Harry." You whisper afraid to ask what's wrong. Suddenly his face changes and he wraps you in the biggest hug you've ever had. You wrap your arms around his chest and get lost in his arms. You two stay like that for a little while then he pulls away and says, "Love like those two have is rare." You nod, completely agreeing.

Harry sighs then says, "You know I'm not very good with words but I want you to know, love, that I plan on never ever letting you go. You can fight all you want but I'm never gunna let you walk away. I want that to be us someday. I want our flame to never die. If your plans for the future don't include me in them, you'll have to change them because I am going no where. Ever. I love you, darling. You have captured my whole heart and I can't love you more than this."

You are completely shocked at how profound Harry's words are that you can't formulate a proper response, so you stand on your tip toes and pour everything you're feeling at that moment into the kiss. It's not a kiss of desperation or one to be rush but one that shows your true emotions. A kiss that captures the feelings of the heart. A kiss you will never ever forget. The way his lips have the taste of a forever love.


Hi!! So what do you guys think? Good? Bad? Stop writing? Keep writing? Let me know!

~Abigail xx

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