#4 (Niall Horan)

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*No. Not this again. Please tell me I am just imagining those cries? Please! I don't wanna get up. I am finally comfortable and sleeping well. I haven't slept this deep in weeks. I'm just imagining the cries I know it.*

Suddenly you feel Niall's arm tighten around your waist and he snuggles his face into the crook of your neck. His breath is warm on your cool skin and you shiver slightly, now fully awake. You realize you heard crying in your sleep and listen to see if it was real. You don't hear anything coming from the baby monitor so you let your body relax and conform to the strong body behind you. You hear Niall sigh contently and your heart couldn't be more full.

When you received word from the doctors office almost 2 years ago that you couldn't have children of your own, you thought Niall would be upset so you started to shut him out. You thought he was displeased and upset that he had married someone who couldn't give him the kids he so desired.

After two months of tension in your heart and Niall trying to break down your walls, you accidentally woke Niall up one night when you were quietly sobbing to yourself. He saw you crying and did exactly the thing that made you fall for him, he fixed your broken heart as much as he possibly could.

He told you, while cuddling your body close to him, that he thought adoption was a wonderful idea and something he would be very happy to do, if you agreed. You were shocked because you and your mom had just been talking about the idea. You started crying again but from tears of happiness.

Thus started the long road to start the process of adopting. Niall left the gender and race up to you, but you knew he always wanted a boy so you chose a little boy from Ghana.

When you told Niall you thought he was going to start bawling. He was so proud of you for remembering how much his trip to Ghana had impacted him. After receiving your little boy almost 8 months ago, you and Niall had honestly never felt closer. Seeing him hold your little boy so gently in his arms and cooing and makes faces at him made your heart melt.

But tonight all you wanted to do was stay in Niall's arms. This was the hardest part of being a mother, waking up in the middle of the night either to imaginary cries or real cries. But tonight all you wanted was to be near the man you love.

Suddenly you hear crying and you know for certain it's real since you've been laying there. You try and shift out of Niall's arms to go to the nursery but Niall doesn't like when you leave so he grabs you tighter. You try not to laugh as it tickles when he does that but you fail and can't control your laughter and you try to squirm away. He's got a strong grip even when he's asleep!

Suddenly you hear groaning and Niall pulls you on top of him. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks, his voice deep and husky as he's obviously still half asleep. You giggle as his hands move along your waist. He smiles sleepily and says 'You are so cute when you laugh but why are you running away? Did I do something?"

"No Niall, silly goose. The baby was crying. Still is actually. I was gunna go rock him to sleep. Sorry for waking you!"

Niall looks at you and says, "Do you do this every night at this time as well as at 4 am too? I never knew he woke up more an once each night. Honey, go back to sleep. Let me go rock him to sleep. Here, climb under the covers, love." He kisses your forehead and walks out.

You see him on the baby monitor pick up your sweet little bundle of joy and sit down in the rocking chair and start singing and rocking him. You realize you don't want to sleep without Niall and sit up against the headrest waiting for him. You see him gently place your son back in his crib once he's asleep and kiss his forehead before leaving the room.

As he walks back into your room and sees your still awake, he smiles and says, "I am so glad we decided to adopt." "Me too, Niall. Me too." He slides under the covers next to you, slightly slouching on the pillow with his boys angled towards you, he's always conscious of where you are. Never letting you leave his side unless absolutely necessary.

As he slowly starts to lean towards you, you whisper, "Niall." Thinking he was falling asleep. He turns and looks at you, his face intense, emotion written all over his face. "Niall are you okay?"

His eyes register your presence and fill with a love that warms your heart but also fills you with a sense of meaning. A sense of purpose knowing that he loves you. He leans closer until his nose touches yours and he whispers back, "I love you. Kiss me please." You smile to yourself and lean in slowly.

You realize his eyes are closed, so you slide your fingers into the back of his hair and pull him towards you. As your lips meet his, your eyes close too and you put your heart and soul into that kiss.

Everything you wanted to say tonight, everything your heart has been dying to tell him ever since you met him. How much he means to you and how you couldn't live one second without him. You place your heart in that kiss and you feel Niall respond just the same.

This deep and passionate kiss you share unlocks a place in both your hearts where you kept all the things you ever wanted to say but were afraid. Now you know your relationship has gone to a new level.

He, Niall James Horan, has completely and totally taken control of your heart and you couldn't be more happy. You finally need to breathe and lean back, ending the kiss but keeping your face close to his. You hear his heavy breathing and know yours must sound the same but you open your eyes and see his ocean blue eyes staring back at you completely wall free and you can see straight to his soul and you see he feels exactly the same.

*He pulls you close to his body, until he's able to bury his face in your neck like he loves to do and leans toward your ear. Before he gets to close, you wiggle back a little so you can see his eyes and you stare into his orbs completely losing whatever you were going to say and you feel the strong desire to kiss him again. So you do. Niall's lips meet your halfway and he crushes your lips in the most passionate kiss you have had in a long time. You feel completely connected to this man and couldn't love him any more than you do in that moment.


I like this one a lot :) but the next one is going to be a Louis one! I am in the mood for a Louis imagine :) tell me what you think of this one!

~Abigail xx

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