#7 (Liam Payne)

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So tonight's the big night. Your senior prom. Every year you always beg your parents to let you go, but they always say no. This year it was different.

You started your senior year with the intent to get the best grades possible and get an awesome scholarship to college. Maybe then your parents would care to notice your achievements. All they ever saw was your brothers intelligence as a freshman.

You worked your tail off the first two quarters and after receiving your report card, saw you were first in your grade. You called your best friend, Mckenzie, and started crying to her because you were so excited!

That night Mckenzie took you out to your guys' favorite restaurant, Pizza Hut, as a treat for your hard work. You two are sitting in your normal spot in the corner booth so no one can snoop on your conversations. Actually it's so you two can watch out for all the cute guys that never show up at Pizza Hut.

As you two are eating your pizza and discussing the painful process of filling out college applications when suddenly this guy walks into Pizza Hut and you lose your train of thought.

He is absolutely stunning with his hair buzzed short, his simple black shirt and jeans with white converse and those eyes. When he glances at you, he smiles and you smile back and blush. Guys are not your forte.

Your friend notices you not listening and turns around to see why and sees this boy standing in the door looking at you. She turns around and whispers to you, "He's looking at you! Invite him over!! He looks lost!"

You decide to go for it. Maybe you won't make a complete fool out of yourself. You look aback at the stranger and he's still looking at you so you motion for him to come over. And he does! He starts coming towards your table.

As he's walking towards you, you can see how kind his face looks. He's standing right beside your table now. "Hi." He says in a silky smooth British accent. "Hi." You reply as well. Great there's the end of our conversation you think when Mckenzie joins the conversation. "Are you new around here?" She asks.

"Yes. I moved here yesterday. By the way my name is Liam." He sweetly says.

Mckenzie introduces herself and then looks at you. You stutter out your name and then look down at your plate so he can't see your embarrassed face.

Mckenzie invites Liam to sit down at your table and he gladly accepts. He looks at you but you won't look at him so he sits next to Mckenzie.

"Shoot." You think to yourself. "Now he'll see my face turn red!"

After Liam orders his food you guys spend hours sitting in Pizza Hut conversing. You are surprised at how well mannered and gentleman-like this Liam is. And he makes conversation really easy and you feel completely relaxed and at the end of the night, Liam asked for your phone number! You were shocked but gave it to him as he promised to call so he could see you again.

Little did you know how things would change.

Liam called three days later and asked if he could take you to the zoo for the day. You accepted and after that you and Liam spent lots of time together.

Mckenzie kept teasing you that he really liked you and that he will eventually ask you to be his girlfriend but you didn't believe her even though you would gladly have said yes had he asked!

Your parents actually liked Liam when you introduced him to them. Little did you know how much they liked him.

Liam approached your parents and asked if he could take you to the senior prom. Your parents were pleasantly shocked that he asked them so they said yes. On one condition.

A month before prom you get a text around 10:30 from Liam that says, "can I see you really quick? I need to ask you something."

You reply, "sure! Where?"

"Come outback by the wooden swing." He says

You go outside and see Liam sitting in the wooden swing slowly rocking while staring up at the stars. You approach him and teasingly say, "you were in my backyard before you even texted me!"

He laughs but you can tell he's a little distracted. "So Liam what's on your mind?"

He looks up at you, grabs your hand and pulls you onto his lap and starts tickling you until you both have tears running down your cheeks. You both are now lying in the grass looking upwards. Liam sits halfway up and looks at you. "If I were to ask you to the prom as my girlfriend, would you say yes?"

Your jaw drops open and your heart starts racing. "Liam..." You slowly say.

"Please. Answer my question, love. I need to know."

"Your asking me if I would go to the prom with you if I was your girlfriend?"


"Doesn't that mean I'd have to BE your girlfriend?"

"Yes! But answer the question!"

You blush and say quietly, "Yes Liam. I would say yes with my whole heart."

Liam looks at you as it takes a minute to register what you said.

Liam then leans in closer and says, "really?"

"Yes." You whisper. You have never felt so many butterflies in your stomach before.

"Then please, love, please say you'll be my girlfriend! You mean the whole world to me and I have ever ever felt such strong feelings before. Please, say yes."

"Liam, I thought you would never ask." You say with a huge smile, "Yes. A thousand times yes!"

Liam leans down and kisses your forehead and reaches for your hand. "And if that isn't enough, I have one more question to ask you."

He sighs deeply, calming his nerves. "Now that I can claim you as my perfect girlfriend, would you do the honor of being my date to the senior prom?"

You sit up shocked. "Liam. You know I can't go without my parents permission!"

Liam smiles and says, "They said you could go. I asked them."

You can not believe what is happening to you. You just sit there in silence staring at Liam. Finally he scoots over to you and wraps his around you pulling you close and says, "do I get an answer?"

You wake up from your shock and whisper, "I can't believe you thought to ask them ahead of time. Yes, yes Liam I would love to go with you! Thank you so much."

Liam turns your face towards him and says, "Can I kiss you now?"

You smile and nod, suddenly shy.

His hand comes up and cups your chin angling your face so he can see your eyes in the moonlight before he kisses you. As his lips come slowly down to meet yours, you find yourself meeting him halfway and before you know it you are completely lost in a swirl of passionate emotions. Liam deepens the kiss surprising you because you never realized how strongly he cared for you, but you respond in the same manner.

Liam reluctantly ends the kiss but his eyes never leave yours. His hands cups your face again and he says, "I want you to know the very first time I saw you in that Pizza Hut, I fell for you. Hard. But I was so scared to tell you I waited and waited until Mckenzie made me wake up and realize, why shouldn't I at least tell you how I feel. I don't want to be without you for a single minute. You make me feel complete and give me a whole new meaning to life. I love you. Please never let me go. I can't live without you."


So this is my first Liam imagine ever and I'm sorry it kinda struggles! The first time I wrote for a boy is always hard for me but now I have atleast one for all of them so they should be getting better soon!

Also go check out my best friends Niall story! It's called "memories of you" and she thinks it's horrible BUT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. it would mean the world to me if you went and read it and told her what you thought about her story! Her name is @nialls_babycake. She's awesome!!

~Abigail xx

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