#8 (Niall Horan)

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You've been dating Niall Horan for 7 months now. These seven months have been the best of your life. You have never felt happier. He is such a hopeless romantic, always wanting to hold you hand or have his arm around you waist or shoulder, just some form of physical contact. And he gives the best hugs. Whenever your down or struggling, he just pulls you close and let's you snuggle into his chest hiding from the world while he rocks you slowly back and forth never letting go until your ready. Last week you and Niall were on a picnic date when Niall asked you an important question.

Niall: "You know, it's been 7 months since we started dating."

You: "Yes, I know. Time flies doesn't it?"

Niall: "Hmm, it sure does. Okay, I have an idea. Let me finish before you decide okay? Promise?"

You: "Okay?"

Niall: "Im tired of having to drive over to your apartment every time I wanna see you and not being able to spend every waking minute with you. Will you, uh, will you move into my apartment with me? Don't say anything yet-let me finish first! I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see before I go to sleep. I don't ever want you to have to cry yourself to sleep again on those rough days of college, I don't want you ever feeling overwhelmed by loneliness every again. It would make me feel so much better being there to constantly protect you. Now I know I kind of sprung this on you and you don't have to answer now but please say you'll think about it?"

Instead of answering, you couldn't even if you tried, you just smiled and leaned towards Niall. You reached out and cupped his face with both hands then lightly kissed his nose and then his chin and then finally kissed his lips. Niall pulled back a little and looked into your eyes.

"Does this mean yes?" He said hopefully.

You smile brightly and say, "Of course it does! I would love to move in with you."

Three weeks later, during an interview the question of girlfriends comes up, like normal. Niall can't help but get a goofy grin on his face when the interviewer asks him about you.

Interviewer: "So, the two of you are you living together now?"

Niall: "Yes! It's been incredible to have her by my side all the time instead of having to plan to see her, you know? Plus she fixes me breakfast in bed when I'm sick!"

*Everyone chuckles*

Niall: "No, but seriously this has been one of the best choices of my life!"

Later that night you ask Niall when he gets home about when he said in the interview.

You: "Niall, is my moving into your apartment really one of the best decisions of your life?"

Niall: "oh honey, of course it is!"

You: "and not just because I make you breakfast?"

Niall: "no! That's not the reason! We're just told to keep the interviews light and talking about food always does that. I'm sorry if you felt that was the only thing I love about you being here! Because its not. I love having your laughter fill the house and your presence lights up this apartment. I love seeing you when your half asleep and when your words slur because your so tired and I love being so close to you and being able to protect you from all the difficulties of this world. I love distracting you from your homework and keeping you up late just to snuggle and watch a movie with me. I love-"

You: "Niall! Breathe! Honey, I understand. I love being here just as much as you love having me. Now stop talking and kiss me, please."

*Niall smirks and pulls you down onto his lap. He starts leaving butterfly kisses along your neck and jawline. Then he kisses around your ears, continuing to tell you how much he loves you the whole time. His kisses send shivers up and down your spine. No one has ever made you feel like this before. You start to play with his hair. Niall groans deeply into the crook of your neck. You know how much it turns him on to play with hair and you can help giggling at his reaction. Suddenly he can't take it anymore and his red lips claim your lips for his own. He kisses you passionate but quick before backing up and then running his hands through your hair, pulling your hair of its ponytail. He kisses your eyelids ever so softly before going in for your lips again. This time going deliberately slow and making the kiss deep and lasting. Your heart is pounding so fast as Niall picks you up from the couch.*

The next day Niall and the boys are filming for a music video and they are shooting a scene, shirtless. They know the fans have been looking forward to that for awhile. Suddenly Louis sees Niall and ever so quietly, not really, says, "Niall! What happened to you? We're you attacked by a tiger at home last night?"

Niall ever so nervously chuckles and says, "uh, yeah, I forgot to tell you guys we got a uh kitten. And well, you know, kittens have pretty um sharp claws."

The boys all look at each, not believing anything Niall said. They know the truth but wanna see Niall suffer a little more.

Zayn: "Those are big scratches for a kitten? Are you sure it wasn't a tiger that attacked you like Louis said?"

Niall starts turning red: "Guys! She's not a tiger!"

Louis: "Woah, woah, woah, what? SHE? Did you just say what I think you said?"

Zayn walks to Niall and whispers in his ear, "Don't worry, mate. We've all been there before. You just picked the wrong day to go shirtless and show the world how much you love your girlfriend!" He says with a smirk.

Louis: "You're gunna have some explaining to do to the fans!"

He pokes Niall in the side then runs as Niall starts to chase after him yelling, "I wanna see you take off your shirt today too, Tommo!"

Louis laughingly yells back, "I told management I was leaving my shirt on for part of the video! You didn't. Guess you'll have to do a twitcam and explain why you have bright red territorial claims from a hot tiger on your back!"

Niall: "You better watch your back, Tommo. And she is my hot tiger. I better never hear you calling her that again."


Hiiiii!!! Sorry it's been so long! I haven't had much time or the energy to write! Sorry! Ill try to change that soon! Thanks for reading!

~Abigail xx

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