#5 (Louis Tomlinson)

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Before you met Louis, people always thought of you as grumpy and sarcastic but really you were just unhappy. You tried to be all happy-go-lucky like the popular girls from high school but you just couldn't. Life is rough and you can't always laugh.

Until you met Louis.

That boy brings out the best in you. Your friends have never seen you so happy and he knows exactly how to make you see the happy things in life when all you used to see was the negative.

The boys had a week off from promoting their new album so you and two of your friends flew to meet up with them at some nice, warm place, which you don't even care about the name. All you care about is seeing Louis again. A month and a half feels like forever when he's halfway across the globe.

As you are walking towards the stairs too get off the airplane, you notice the pilot coming out of the cockpit. Flying is something you want to do someday so you call out to the pilot and you two start talking. Everyone else on the plane including your friends get off and start heading towards the crowd of people waiting.

Your friends are halfway towards the group of 5 boys and the security guards before they realize you aren't with them. Suddenly, Louis comes running up with Zayn not far behind. Louis grabs your friend, Kristen, by the shoulders and says, "Where is she? Where is my girl?!"

Kristen and your other friend, Sarah, look at each other and burst out giggling. They try and hide the giggles when they see Louis is not happy with them. Zayn chuckles behind Louis too. Louis glares at him. Zayn walks up to Sarah and gives her a hug then gives Kristen a hug and says cheekily, "Let me help you with your suitcases while Louis waits for his missing girl."

Louis gives Zayn a half smile as Zayn's the only one who knows the extent of how much he misses you. Of course the others know you do but you had some deep conversations with Zayn this past month and a half. As Zayn and the two girls walk towards the other boys, Louis starts pacing back and forth halfway between the boys and the airplane.

He is about to go stir crazy when suddenly he sees a man who looks like he's the pilot come walking down the stairs talking to you. Louis immediately recognizes you and stops pacing.

He starts running toward the airplane. As you reach the ground, your back is to Louis but you say goodbye to the pilot and when you turn around, you immediately see Louis. Your face lights up in a huge grin and you drop your stuff and run towards him. When you two meet, he pulls you into the biggest and most welcomed hug ever. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and breathes deeply.

You arms wrap around his big strong chest, holding on as tightly as you can trying to absorb the feel of being safe in his arms again. Because your face is buried in his chest you can't see his face yet but suddenly you feel his hand in your hair. You shudder with pleasure. Louis knows you love it when he plays with your hair, but this time it's different.

You cut your hair short. Really short. It's above your shoulders close to your ears and got highlights without telling Louis anything about it. Your kind of scared of his reaction. You don't want to look at his face but Louis, almost able to read your mind, loosens his grip and leans back so you have to look up at him.

He has so many questions in his eyes but all he says is, "You look amazing with short hair." You smile a little, "Do you really think so?" He smile fills his face and reaches his eyes and he enthusiastically nods 'yes'. You smile and hug his chest again.

He still is playing your hair getting used to it being so short. He kisses the top of your head and asks, "Why didn't you tell me?" Being careful the way you word your reply so he doesn't take it wrong, you say, "Because it was a last minute decision and afterwards I wanted to surprise you. Don't be mad, Louis," you rush to explain, "if you don't like it I can grow it out but I was just really tired of it looking the same all the time and-"

Louis places his lips on yours, silencing your explanation. All the tension in your body from being worried about his reaction to your hair disappears as his lips connect with yours. You feel yourself getting lost in the kiss when suddenly you hear your name and Louis' being called by your friends.

"Oh yeah," you whisper, "I forgot to say hi to the other boys." You reach to grab your carry on but Louis grabs your hand and then picks up the bag for you. He then wraps his arm around you and leads you back to the boys. On the way back he says, "Honey, I really do love your hair. You'll have to tell me more about why you did it later, okay?" "Okay." You love how Louis seems to know exactly what your thinking without saying it.

You greet each of the boys with a hug and they all comment on your hair, saying they love it for which you are grateful.

A couple hours later everyone is situated in their hotel rooms, when Louis walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. You lean back against his chest and he leans down and nuzzles your neck. "Wanna go play on the beach with me?" He asks. "Of course!" You say enthusiastically. You love going to the beach. "Let me put my bathing suit on first though."

After having spent a couple hours playing in the water, whether it be Louis trying to teach you to surf and failing in trying to contain his laughter when you fall off, or seeing if you can catch the little fish with your hands or having splash wars, which you declared yourself the winner because you were able to get Louis underwater first though he claims he let you win or building a big sand castle only to jump on it together or drawing pictures in the sand, Louis had this brilliant idea to try a new kiss.

An underwater kiss. At first you were kinda hesitant but when Louis has his mind set he can put up a good fight until you agree. So you agreed. You were quite nervous about this experience but Louis wouldn't let you back out.

You both went under and Louis put his hands in your hair pulling you closer, but as soon as you feel Louis coming closer you start laughing and have to go up for more air. Once at the surface, you and Louis can't stop laughing. Finally you calm down and are ready to try again.

You both go underwater and before either can chicken out, your lips find each other's. the experience was magical. Keeping your mouth shut the whole time was something you didn't think of, so without thinking, you opened your mouth. Suddenly you started chocking but all you can hear is Louis laughing at you.

Louis helps you swim a little closer to the shore so you can catch your breath but as he sits on the ocean floor looking at you, you know he's dying to say something. When you catch your breath you say, "okay spit it out. What?"

Louis' laughter fades a little and he becomes more serious. He pulls you down next to him so your sitting in the water too. He tilts your chin so he's looking directly into your eyes. Then he says something you will remember the rest of your life, "I love you with everything in me. I never want you to forget how special you are to me. You give me a reason to wake up and smile each and everyday. You make my heart complete. Happy one year anniversary, love. Oh and by the way, my first underwater kiss was incredible."

"Louis. You remembered our one year anniversary! I thought- I didn't know- thank you. Thank you for so much. You've made me see a new meaning to life. Lou," you say softly, "and you for the best year of my life. I love you."

Louis decides he's had enough talking. He reaches over and pushes you onto your back in the shallow water, then he crushes his lips onto yours in a deep passionate kiss, giving the perfect ending to your beach day.


So this is my first Louis imagine :) what do you think? It was a lot harder than I thought it would be! Hopefully the next time I write a Louis imagine will be easier!

Thank you to everyone reading! It makes my day that people actually are reading this!!

~Abigail xx

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