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~Bang Chan~

Ship Name: BaJin

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Ship Name: BaJin

Relationship Type: Father/Daughter

Due to not having a great relationship with her parents and having to live with her aunt, when Bang Chan starts to notice her and help her while she's a trainee she ends up starting to look up to him as a father. He takes on that father role to Jin who clings onto him. When they met when she was 13, she look a quick liking to him and wouldn't leave him alone. If Jin is having a problem in her life, it may be friend related, boy troubles, school related or general problems coming from being an Idol, she will always go to Chan first for advice. Chan invited her into the studio while he's working on music and she has been seen to fall asleep in his bed when she doesn't want to sleeping her own room. You'll usually find these two near each other with Chan always keeping an eye on her to make sure she's ok.

~Lee Minho~

Ship Name: MinJin

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Ship Name: MinJin

Relationship Type: Mother/Daughter

Minho basically takes on the role of Jin's mother the moment they meet for the first time. He also will keep a close eye on her like Chan, just to make sure she's ok. During fan signs he will always make sure that she's sitting next to him to make sure everything is ok. Even if the staff tries to separate them, Minho will literally take the place of another member to make sure he's next to Jin. He takes extra time to walk through the dances with Jin, since he knows she's not the best at picking up the choreography. She's also the only one to not get tissues shoved in her mouth, or even get threatened by it. She tried to mimic what Minho does, even if the others try to convince her otherwise. If Jin has a nightmare or is scared, she usually will go to Minho to help her calm down. You can usually find these two just sitting next to each other and sometimes Jin will lean her head on his shoulder.

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