~ Stray Kids Survival Show EP. 1 (Part 1)~

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(I got the episode from strayksubs.com so all the translations come from them)

      After a long time, they are starting their track to debut, and that is to  face off in a showcase against Girls Team 2 which is a team that the JYP training team has produced. They are  called Boys Project Team, even though they have a girl on the team, and that's the team Chan produced.  After the showcase, one of the two teams will come out on top and be able to debut. So this is a really important showcase.

     It is finally the JYP Trainee Showcase D-Day, where both groups hope that they will shine the most to be able to be the debut team. The Boys Project Team has been working as hard as they can, but so has the Girls Team 2. Everyone has started the final rehearsal for the main stage.

      "We will begin the first rehearsal," a man says into his microphone. This starts the rehearsal for every group at  the showcase including group performances and solo acts.

     Out of the two groups who are in the competition for the debut spot, Girls Team 2 will rehearse first. Staff bring out the chairs that they will use, as the team enters the stage, and they set up in a line in front of the chairs.

     "Okay, let's begin," A staff member says, "One, two."

     When their music starts they walk to the chairs and sit down and start their dance from there,  where they  are patting their knees and stomping their feet. At the beat  drop one girl stands up and  starts to sing as the others get up as well.  A little later into  the dance they are all in a V shape as they are singing and showing the best teamwork. The Boys Project Team sits in the audience and nods a long and studies them.

     "We should be nervous. This is something that I feel whenever I see the Girls Team 2, their teamwork is so good," Han says about the girls team in an interview as they watch.

     "Somehow more than our team. They seem to show everything clearly in their own parts," Changbin says about the girls team in an interview as they watch

  Goes back to the  Girls Team 2 on stage and shows them singing and dancing along to their parts.

     "They're good, they're good," Hyunjin says to Jin the two of them being okay friends at the time.

     "Especially Chaeryeong," Jin says back. Even though it's only the rehearsal performance, Chaeryeong really stands out.

     "You need to watch Chaeryeong's actual performance," Hyunjin says back.

     "Exactly, it's over, if you see her actual performance," Han cuts in.

     "Since it's only the rehearsal," Hyunjin continues.

      Chan nods along impressed as he watches the girls team, muttering to Changbin. They know this was going to be hard competition as the girls team has some very skilled dancers, some being a force to be reckoned with. They even watch two girls to a cartwheel in their dance. 

     "She's really good at dancing," Han whispers into Seungmin's ear as they are watching talking about Yeji. Seungmin nods in agreement, it was hard to argue that statement, but it was fun but nerve-racking to be watching them.

     "She's really the top in terms of dance," Seungmin says in an interview talking about Yeji from the girls team.

     "She's someone all trainees admire when it comes to dancing," Han says in an interview talking about Yeji from the girls team as well.

     The Girls Team 2 finishes their rehearsal and make their way off stage, as the Boys Project Team makes their way backstage as their rehearsal is about to begin. Changbin is backstage practicing using his hand as if he was holding a microphone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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