~Before The Survival Show~

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12 A.M. ~ JYP Entertainment Practice Room

(All speaking is in Korean unless it is in italics then that will be English)

     It's the time of night where everyone should be asleep, and almost all lights were off, due to it being midnight, everything was quiet. Although if you were to walk down the JYP Entertainment practice rooms you would be able to hear music blasting and one single light on. In one of the practice rooms you would have a young girl working herself to the bone. She had just gotten some hard critiques from her dance instructor due to the fact she hasn't gotten the choreograph down yet. She was still making mistakes that her instructor doesn't want her making at this point. She's frustrated with herself on the fact that she was still making the same mistakes, so she decided she wouldn't leave the practice room till she had nailed the dance three times in a row.

     The poor girl was only 14 years old and felt this huge pressure that she needed to be perfect so she could finally be in a group. She new it would take time, and she had only been here a year. There's others who had been here much longer than her and were still waiting to be in a group. Like Bang Chan or Chris, he has been here for 7 years and has yet to be in a group.

     She really looks up to Chan. He has been turned down again and again yet was still the sweetest person she new. He always would help her if she came to him or if he just found her, and he would make sure she always felt confident and comfortable with what she was doing. She really admired him. To her, he felt like the father she never had. Yes, she does have her parents back home, but they never understood her love for music. They thought she was being ridiculous about her dream and that she needed to continue to study and become a lawyer. When she left home her father basically told her to not return if she moved to Korea. Now she's alone, she lived with her aunt for a little bit before she had moved into the JYP dorms. But now she had chan, and chan was basically her father and he even thought of her like a daughter and always made sure she felt safe.

     That being said, he knew something was off, how he knew no one would know, but he did, and that's why he was out at midnight walking through the company, even though he should be asleep, or in reality working on who knows what. But here he was, walking through to the practice rooms. He approaches the one room where the music was coming from and the lights were on and opened the door. He just stands there in the doorway watching. He was watching Jin practice her dance, and boy was he amazed. He could see the determination and passion she danced with and in his mind, he made a decision, he was going to ask her.

     Once the music stopped, and Jin ended up in her final pose he started to clap making his presence known. This caused Jin to jump and look at him in fear as she didn't hear him come in since she was so zoned into her dancing.

     "That was really good Jin, but I must ask why are you in here working so late?" Bang Chan asked with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed kinda giving the dad look to her.

     "I just want to make sure I had this dance down, I needed it to be perfect," Jin responds as she sets up the music again to run the dance again to hopefully get it basically perfect for the second time.

     Chan walks over and stops the music not letting her practice any more as she was obviously tired. "I do have a question for you and then you will be heading to bed." He pauses for a minute taking a breath, "J.Y.P asked me to make a group of people I think deserve to be in it, and I want you to join, so will you?"

     This causes Jin to freeze having not expected that  question to come out, she thinks about it for a minute before shaking her head no. "I'm sorry Chan, as much as I would want to, it would be too risky for me to join. One I'm a girl and two I'm so young compared to you, and I haven't been a trainee for very long. It wouldn't work out with me." She starts to walk out of the room knowing Chan wouldn't let her practice anymore.

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