Part 2

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Having a company can be delighting especially when you are on your ' moving on ' space.


The fancy gates of the elevator opened revealing a lavish shiny scenario in front of Varsha's vision.
No doubt It was the fanciest thing she has seen ever.
The couches settled in the middle in a circle-forming manner with chairs and resting on here and there. A lot of people were already consumed with their chit chats but when they saw Virat entering the area and few people stood up to hug and greet him. Virat made sure that his sister is also seen in the frame and introduced his team mates.

" Guyss, this is my sister Varsha As you all might have heard of her " He said to all those people who's eyes were diverted To Varsha. Varsha didn't like to be standing their nervously so she smiled and waved at everyone.

" Hello "

" Varsha, this is Risabh" He pointed out at a guy who was wearing shorts and oversized tshirt. Call him spidey. "
Varsha smiled at him.

" This is shreyas, also known as Mr. Flirt, don't take his compliments seriously " Virat chuckled looking at Shreyas.

" What bro, ahh! " Shreyas pretended to be hurt.

" By the way hi gorgeous lady" He winked at varsha which made varsha chuckle a little.

This people are so fun.

" This yuzi, bumrah aka boom boom, and this siraj. " He pointes out at each and everyone.

" Virat, what are you doing. I know them all"

" You do?"

" How come I not? "

" Ohh right, my bad. "

" Now they also know me so are you going to introduce everyone or what? "

" Nahh"

Everyone was laughing at the banter between siblings. Indeed they all are like a family.
Varsha sat besides Virat and they all started chatting.

Varsha was involved with everyone in a very less time. The siblings were on a roast battle and everyone else were giving points to each other.
There, Varsha was on the verge of winning.

But then a tired little girl came down crying and Rohit sharma rushed towards that cute girl and picked up. Everyone looked at Her and continued to chatter.

" She's Rohit's daughter " Virat whispered in Varsha's ears when he noticed that hed gaze was fixed on the father daughter duo.

" Where is her mom bhai? " Varsha said lowering her voice.
Virat just gave her a look.
" Come on bro i am just asking, look here devisha mam is suryadada's wife, there's no chance she can be. Other then that here's no woman expect me"

Virat just sighed and told her.
" He's a single dad. "
Varsha was gasping at her brothers response.
She was shocked and speechless.

" Yeah, his wife divorced him. They had some arguments with each other and it was affecting samaira. Now rohit raises sammy alone. "

Varsha was shocked but again she was proud at the inspiring father. People have heard of single mom's being strong, independent but this is the first time she noticed such a situation In 28 years of her life. Her eyes were fixated at the father who easily calmed down his daughter. She was playing with her fathers soft hair with her tiny hands. This is the cutest thing Varsha has ever seen.

Soon it was time for everyone to go and change. The men's were going for training and Varsha had nothing to do. She came out of her room and was on the way to grab something to eat when she saw Rohit with samaira and thought of greeting them.

" Hello sir, Hi samaira. " She kneeled down to samaira's height and gave her a hifi sign with her hands. Being the well mannered girl she is, she looked at her Father for confirmation to talk to a stranger which he nodded his head.

Samaira gave her cheeky smile and gave a hifi to Varsha.

" Hii aunty"

Varsha was indeed hurt by this, how can someone call a 28 year old aunty? She's so young! And beautiful! Far from being an aunty.

Varsha gave a dramatic gasp in response and didn't say anything. " What, Did I say something wrong? Papa.. What happened why are they shock did I hurt them? Sorry. " She said with a pout and aww Varsha couldn't control that cuteness.

" You called me aunty. I am not in that stage to be called Aunty, call me Vee" She winked at Samaira.

" Then call me Sammy"

" Ok done "

They both shook hands in agreement. Rohit was just watching their banter and having a huge grin on his squishy cheeks.

Varsha stood up and shook hands with Rohit. " She's so cute and well mannered. Well done raising her" She gave a genuine smile to Rohit.

Rohit didn't say anything but looked at Sammy who was playing with her snowman kitchen.
" Thank you Varsha, I really appreciate it"

" Ok Sammy let's go say bye to Vee" Rohit told Sammy.

" But papa, I don't want to come to your practice sessions. They are so boring. I am bored there. I have nothing to do"

Rohit exchanged a look with Varsha and smiled. " But you have to come na baccha. I can't leave you here alone "

" Aree she can stay with me. I will be painting right now but if you need I can stay with her and play games. I love kids. " Varsha offered to spend time with Sammy.

Sammy was so happy at her proposal but she looked at Rohit for permission. The dad loosened his shoulders and thought for a second. He looked at Varsha, she was genuine and his best friend's sister. She meant no harm towards sammy.

" Ok, but don't stress Vee and no complaints got it? "He warned his daughter.

The little girl delighted in joy and nodded her head twice.
Varsha was also happy that he agreed. " She won't cause any damage to me and kids are meant to enjoy right Sammy"
" Yess " Samaira said in a cheerful voice.

Varsha and samaira bid good bye to Rohit who was utterly thankful to Varsha for looking after Sammy.


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