Part 11

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Rohit took samaira's admission in another school " Bhavans  school " In andheri West.
He complained the principal about the scenes that took place with sammy.
He thanked God that sammy didn't ask him about her mother.
But that doesn't mean she won't..

Samaira's getting befriended with lot of students in Bhavans.
Things are pretty much good with the little girl. Rohit used to come and pick her up in school but due to his practice sessions in Azad Maidan and Wankhede every now and then, he enrolled her in bus.

While Varsha's life is also taking a good stroll on her success.
She has conducted alot of workshops in rural areas and her treaty with a company to make sanitary pads also took a flight of success.

She appeared in newspapers and magazine and people started appreciating her work online. They opened up a social media handles for their charity and a lot of people supported it.

Things were getting back to normal for both the people.
It's been 4 months since that last encounter with Rohit and sammy.
Virat is also chilled out now, he visited Varsha with his family in Mumbai. They stayed here for a while. He was here for Business purposes itself.

Anushka with Varsha and Vamika, didn't leave any famous mall of Mumbai unexplored.
With lots of shopping, and gossiping it was the day for them to leave.

Varsha's bhabhi, Anushka suggested her to ease the awkwardness between the siblings pair to Varsha.
With this motto, Varsha entered Virat's room. He was alone and Vami was sleeping.

" We need to talk" She said getting his attention.
He gentle put Vamika down and
Listened to what Varsha said,
" Bhai I don't want you behave weird around Rohit" She said.

" What do you mean by weird? "
He asked his question.

" You know those images and all, it has nothing to do with what you think or what People think. It's not like how it is "

" Seriously you think there's nothing between you? Was there nothing when you picked up sammy at the airport? You know people were saying you would be a better mom then Ritika." He let out a big sigh after saying all these in one go.

" Bhai! " She yelled,
" I share a special bond with sammy! That's it!" He nodded understandingly.

" Why are you stopping me from  talking with them? "
She screamed at him.
Virat screamed back " I am scared you will end up like your last relationship with Rajveer"

All these screamings made Little Vamika wake up.
She started crying, so did Varsha. She had tears formed in her eyes, she controlled them but they already came out like waterfall. She wipped those tears and looked over at her brother with puffy red eyes.
Virat was cooing Vamika, he looked at Varsha's miserable state and felt Guilty.

He shouldn't have mentioned Rajveer. That name itself shatters Varsha into pieces.
Even though he is in jail now, Varsha is still scared of him. Virat as a big brother needs to be more protective and cautious from the last time.

Anushka came home and dropper her bags as soon as she saw Virat cooing Vamika feeding her milk and Just then, messed up Varsha left the room.
Anushka handled the baby and Virat went to Varsha's room.
She was curled up in a ball and light sobs escaped her mouth.

" Varsha, beta, listen to me " He sat beside her and strolled his head. She turned other ways.
Virat lightly turned her back to his direction and rubbed her tears away. He muttered sorry and apologized for bringing the Topic of Rajveer.

Varsha gathered herself and put her head on Virat's lap. He Caressed her sisters head. He controlled his tears that were threatening to spill out from his eyes.
Virat will always be in guilt for not being there for Varsha when she was with Rajveer. The scenes, the thoughts, the idea of what Rajveer did to Varsha still triggers him to this day.

He wanted to take care of his baby sister through all these.
He wanted to be there for her, but cricket never allowed him to spend time with his family.
All of the happenings took place and Virat was unaware that his sister was through this mess alone.

If Varsha never asked for help, he would have never known the truth of Rajveer. As soon as he got to know Varsha is suffering
He canceled his matches and came back to Mumbai.
He beat up Rajveer to death.
The scene was so intense and triggering, the police came and a investigations took place.
The police found out Rajveer was  boyfriend of Varsha from third year of college, both varsha and Rajveer were mad in love with each other.
Just after college they got internships and saved money bought them an 2 bhk apartment in Mumbai.

They were madly in love with each other and Virat personally met Rajveer once, he seemed like a nice guy and after approval of big brother, they moved in together.
They had a very good time together.
Their friends used to call them
" Varshveer" In college.

Soon things started to change,
Rajveer used to come home drunk, he used to be rude to Varsha, things started getting out of hand when he became abusive towards her.
Varsha waited for months hoping he would get back to normal, realize the love they have and strong bond they share.
Nothing like that happened,
He once slapped her, another time he pushed her,
Later he smacked her head, things went so far when he took out his belt.

Varsha left all the hopes of love,
She seemed help of her brother when she felt unsafe and Insecure around Rajveer.
Virat flew down to Mumbai and beat the living crap out of this guy.
Virat dragged him from the corridor to the main road of the room a large crowd gathered around and Virat was mercilessly beating him for hurting Varsha.

Videos of it online were viral, police arrested Rajveer for 5 years of Prison. Things started making headlight because it's not some common man beating a guy, it's " Virat kohli " Beating a guy.

After therapy and various trips, Varsha was back to her normal self but the scars never left.
Varsha felt a lot normal around Rohit and sammy, they provided her a different kind of comfort, the one she gets from her family.
She enjoyed their company and was inspired by Rohit's life,
He unknowingly taught her,
Don't let your traumatic past affect your beautiful present.

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