Chap. 3

186 3 3


I love this persons art style so much


Kaveh POV:

"Haitham..get up already! We're gonna be late!" I bug Alhaitham into getting up. Alhaitham groans before pushing himself up.

"Ugh...I was sleeping peacefully and you just had to go and ruin it..." He blames me for his laziness! I can't believe him sometimes...I mean, he's always annoying, but sometimes he gets on my nerves more. He had slept in his clothes to avoid getting dressed in the morning! How unhygienic is that? I can't believe I have to live with him...

"Don't blame me! Now lets go!" I grab his hand and drag him out of the dorm. He slowly walks behind me. I feel a little bad for forcing him out of bed, but then again, he kinda deserved it for blaming me. He was the one who stayed up all night watching TV! When we get to homeroom, I try to grab his hand again, but realize he's not behind me anymore. I give up on getting him to class on time. I walk Into the room and see the person who was supposed to be sitting next to me, not there. Again. 2/2 days, they hadn't shown up! I was getting a bit annoyed by them still not showing themselves. I sit down and wait for class to start.

Kazuha POV:

'Ugh...I can't fall asleep...' I thought to my self while sitting in bed. I even tried listening to music to fall back asleep, but nonetheless, it still didn't work! I was exhausted, but couldn't fall asleep. Scara has just gone to school and I already need him again. All I had was Tomo. She's so fluffy! I decide to cuddle her as an attempt to fall asleep, but it once again, doesn't work! I turn on the TV to entertain myself, but it's too bright and gives me a headache.

'Why did Scara have to insist on still going to school, I'm sooooo bored!'

Third person POV:

Kazuha groans, trying to get out of bed for some water. He wasn't supposed to get up, but he was desperate. He starts following the walls to the kitchen, he then grabs a cup and fills it with water. He chugs the entire thing, right then and there. He hears the door unlock. Was someone breaking in. He wasn't prepared for someone to break in, specifically in his current state.

"Ugh...why did Yae-Kazuha! You should be in bed!" Scaramouche runs over to him. Kazuha has a look of guilt on his face.

"I needed water..." Kazuha mumbles. Scaramouche seems confused, as he was sure he filled the cup on Kazuhas nightstand before he left.

"You've drank enough water for now." Scaramouche picks Kazuha up with ease. Kazuha turns red and tries to get out of Scaramouche's arms. He failed. Scaramouche sets him down in his bed. 

"Scara...can you stay? I can't sleep and I've tried everything..." Kazuha yawns. Scaramouche blushes. He nods and sits there. Kazuhas breathing slows as he falls into a deep sleep. Scaramouche tries to get up and leave the room, but as he's standing up, something grabs his arm. It was Kazuha. Kazuha was still sleeping, of course, but Scaramouche felt like it would be best if he stayed. He stared at Kazuha. He was so cute when he was sleeping. Scaramouche shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking that. Kazuha was part of the Kaedahara clan, the one that Scaramouche destroyed. He couldn't fall for Kazuha. Besides, Kazuha would probably just betray him like the others. Scaramouche decides he's thought enough and keeps staring at Kazuha. Scaramouche thought that Kazuha was pretty, he liked his silky white hair, his fashion sense, his eyes, his everything. Scaramouche liked Kazuha. He was a bit upset as he realized this, but thought that this time...just could be different. Kazuha wouldn't leave him. He was sure of it. He gripped Kazuhas hand tighter, making Kazuha move around in his sleep. Scaramouche lets go, feeling bad he accidentally may have hurt Kazuhas hand.

Third-Person, alternate perspective:

'Oh...why do I wanna kiss him? This is a weird feeling...' Zhongli was helping Childe understand what was happening in class. Childe had completely zoned out, staring at Zhongli. 

"Childe, how about I tutor you later. I don't really have much time now to focus on one student." Zhongli explains.

"Yeah! I totally understand! W-when should I meet you?" Childe was a stuttering and blushing mess, all because of one measly teacher. 

"Right after school meet me in here." Zhongli explains, walking back to the front of the classroom. Childe felt butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't control it. He was in love with his teacher and he didn't know what to do about it. He was horrified someone was gonna find out. He figured Scaramouche wouldn't tell anyone, but he could never be sure. He nearly fell asleep during his next class, he was reeeaaaalllly bored. During lunch, he decided to go see Scaramouche. He knocked on the door to to Scaramouche's room and waited for a response.

He then got a text from Scaramouche saying: What do you want? Childe responded with:, I need help with something. Scaramouche texted him back, "come in" and that's exactly what he did. 

"So, what is it?" Scaramouche responds, still next to Kazuhas bed, holding his hand. Childe was still holding his phone. He then took a picture of them, not realizing his flash was on. Scaramouche gives him a death glare. Childe then shows Scaramouche him deleting the picture. 

"I'm in a good mood right now, don't ruin it. Now, I'll ask again, what do you want?" Scaramouche asks him, angrily.

"Woah, woah comrade! Slow down there, we don't gotta get violent!" Childe nervously backs away a bit.

"But it's about Zhongli." Childe blushes after just saying his name. Scaramouche rolls his eyes.

"What about him now?" Childe sits down in a chair on the other side of Kazuhas room. 

"He asked me to meet him after school to tutor me." Scaramouche raises his eyebrows.

"You sure that's all he wants to do?" Scaramouche smirks and laughs. Childe blushes even more than he already was. Scaramouche starts being serious.

"So, you're going to meet up after school so he can tutor you on history, right?" 


"Well, maybe you should have him tutor you right next to you. Like he stands beside you and helps you. Then that may cause some situations where he grabs your hand to help you in the right direction!" Scaramouche really just wanted to make Childe embarrassed. Childe looks down.

"You really think that'd help..?" He looks up at Scaramouche.

"Well, yeah!"


Leave suggestions for whose perspective you wanna see next! I can do Fontaine characters based off of their rough personalities in the trailer, but that will change in the future. So just leave as many suggestions as you like

Word count: 1133

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