Chap. 12

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Thoma POV:

"My lord, why do we need to go out to a park?" I ask Mr. Kamisato as I walk alongside him. He chuckles and gives me a glance.

"Thoma, there's a reason." He looks back in front of him. Its around 1:00 PM, and we're walking through a public park! Why did he have to pick the busiest time of day? Besides, normally I should be planning his days for him, so why is he doing it himself? I just continue to follow My lord without question. After all, I have no right to question him. He leads me to a quiet area, eventually. He sits down on a bench and encourages me to sit next to him. I do as he wants and I sit down.

"My lord, pardon me for asking once more, but why are we here?" I ask him again. He tilts his head up and closes his eyes.

"To enjoy the afternoon breeze, of course." He speaks calmly. I am still confused as to why we couldn't have gone to a more familiar place. I feel him reach his hand over and put it on mine. I blush.

"My lord, if I may ask, what are you doing?" I ask him another question. I feel guilty asking him so many things.

"My my, you sure are curious today..." He turns to face me and grabs my chin with his other hand. I begin to sweat. 

"M-my lord..." I grab his wrist and make eye contact with him. He has a grin on his face. As His face inches closer to mine, I glance around to see if anyone was watching, but then I remember we're not in Inazuma, and no one would recognize My lord. I feel our lips touch. It was a quick, sweet, kiss. He lets go of my face and smiles at me. I am still blushing, but who wouldn't be?

"So...Thoma. I have a question to ask you."

"What is it, My lord?" I try to speak with out stuttering.

"Do you love me?"

"What do you mean by that? Romantic love?"

"Yes. Are you romantically attracted to me?" I take a moment to respond. How are you supposed to respond to this situation? Do you tell the truth? Do you tell him otherwise? What do you do?

"Then my answer is yes."

Aether POV:

"Xiao-Xiao, Venti is asking me if we want to go out with a couple friends he made at the party, do you wanna go with me?" I ask my new boyfriend what he would like to do. I realize that he doesn't like talking to anyone but me, Venti, and Ganyu, but then again, he has followed me everywhere since we got together.

"Are you going?" He asks me. His arms were currently around me and his head was resting on my shoulder.

"Yep! I told Venti I'd go!"

"I'll go with you then..." It seems that I can get my Xiao-Xiao to do anything if I say I'm going to do it...

"Alright. Venti also said it was a bonding activity to try and get his new friend and Heizou to get along better... In the end 6 of us should be going." I explain to Xiao the plan for the outing. 

"Ok. Should we go right now or???" He asks me. I laugh and nod before grabbing his arms and throwing them behind me. I stand up and grab his wrist. I begin to run to where Venti is. We soon see him and the people he wanted to meet up with talking. 

"Venti, why don't I remember talking to you...much less giving you my number." I hear a white haired boy say. It was the person who Heizou said was his ex. I understand why Venti clarified that he wanted them to get along. The white haired boy was with a guy with dark blue hair. The guy with dark blue hair is a Fatui harbinger. I don't know why they let him into this school, after all, does he even have a vision?

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