Maybe The Start Of A War Part 2

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Hongjoong's View

"Ciderhearts" Jeongin asks "I don't know if Feyiu has his own version of you guys in his world so if he does I wanna keep track of all my loved ones so I'm going to create bracelets of my magic" "Oooooh" "For both of you guys also to avoid someone trying to control your minds as well" "Except you" "Yeah because you know the whole blood-bending thing" "Oh shit you're right" We all laughed at Seonghwa's reaction she lightly touched her hair "Um kinda forgot about that was one of my abilities" "Wait a second" "Um?" "Big Bro and I are your kids" "Oh shit they're right," I say "That means the kids could also learn to control our minds" "Oh damm so the whole family can just make us their puppets that's cool and good" "How?" "Because we're a whole band of friends who want nothing more than to continue to have fun days together" "Yeah which will be our greatest weapon against Feyiu and his kingdom," Seonghwa says "We've got this Yeo I'm going to need your help" "Oh off the bat?" "You and I will have to make kid-friendly weapons and armor for the younger kids that know how to fight" "Oh shit" "Their parents were either martial artists or previous knights or something like that also they'll be protected by my magic" "But how do we know you'll be okay" "Because I've got the coolest best friends in the whole wide world watching over my back but trust me I'm going to unleash thing I have not ever done and I've still got tricks up my sl...." 

Arrows and one of them had a note on it Seonghwa grabbed it off and opened it up. "You know what this means right I look forward to seeing you surrender to me in a wedding dress" "What the fuck" "Howao" "Um?" "Can I write something?" "Go for it" Yeosang tapped on the note with his gloves and laughed "Send" The note and all the arrows vanished. "Doroaru" Yunho says "Um?" "Was that Belyigorus or Semyianthian" Yunho asks "Semyianthian" Yeosang says "May we know what you wrote?" Chris says trying not to laugh "Sure I said Well I'm going to laugh happily and enjoy you being my dog while I rule over your kingdom with my heeled boots" Seonghwa laughed so hard to the point that tears were running down her face "Oh my gosh congrats Yeosang you broke Aleyia" San says, "I wrote a ps" "What did you write?" I say trying not to laugh "Enjoy your last hamburger while you can because I'm going to have you eating dog treats every day" Seonghwa continued dying of laughter "You made Aleyia so happy my gosh this is the hardest I've seen her laugh she looks so happy" "Yeo please don't ever change please don't great tepiiers" Seonghwa was now wiping at  her tears giggling "My heart was not ready for that alright let's get to work people"

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