Wind It Back 72 Million Years!

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Arle, Carbuncle and Ecolo landed in the past. Unfortunately, Ecolo didn't understand exactly the best time to land the trio in.

Arle was the first to speak. "So... we're in the pa- WHAT?! ECOLO, YOU DIDN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!"

"I thought you wanted to go to the past to stop the meteor~" Ecolo responded.

"EARLIER THAN THIS!" Arle yelled, with the 3 of them now looking up, at a meteor that was now leaking some kind of black fog. It was decently big in the horizon, and looked like it had a few more hours before it made impact with the planet.

Suddenly, Arle felt dizzy. She was feeling the effects of the fog. "I can... barely breathe..."

"I guess this would be pretty bad for someone with a body... Let me take a look!" Ecolo said, before lunging right at Arle.

"Wait-" Arle couldn't even finish what she was saying before Ecolo entered her body. He didn't possess her, though. He just came out a few seconds later and said "Yeah, you won't last long. I'll take us farther back."

"Thanks..." Arle said. "It's suffocating here..."

Ecolo suddenly opened a portal to the past with almost no effort. "THIS should take us back far enough~"

Arle proceeded to stumble into the portal, while Carbuncle, who didn't seem to be affected, jumped happily in.

"That was horrible," Arle commented when they left the portal.

Ecolo replied with "Well, I think we should tra-"

"WAIT." Arle interrupted him. You said you needed Satan's power to time travel, but you traveled just fine. AND you did it fine alone that one time in the past. Did you just not want Satan to come?"

"He's a bit scary~" Ecolo admitted.

"Yeah, right," Arle scoffed.

"Anyway, I think you need some training," Ecolo continued. "And I've taken you to the perfect place to train!"

"Perfect place? What does tha-" Arle was suddenly interrupted by roars she could hear in the background.

"Ecolo, please don't tell me..."

"Dinosaurs! Yaaaaaay~"

"NOT AGAIN!" Arle yelled, attracting the attention of a Velociraptor, who ran up to her, almost confused at the sight of her. It had probably never seen a creature like her.

"Is that a Velociraptor?" Arle said, suddenly interested

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"Is that a Velociraptor?" Arle said, suddenly interested. "It's way smaller than I imagined." The Velociraptor didn't even reach up to her dress. "It's almost cute!"

The Velociraptor suddenly got agressive, and began trying to attack. One Fire from Arle was enough to send it running, but more came to back it up. Arle sent them all running too, as well as Carbuncle, but what kind of training even was this? Velociraptors were a lot more cowardly than she imagined. But more importantly...

Arle & Ecolo's Bizarre AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now