Doppelganger Arle vs Dark Arle

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"Call me... Dark Arle."

"You think you can transform to escape me?!" Doppel yelled.

"Escape? Of course not~" Dark Arle said. "i'M gOiNg tO cRuSh YoU."Doppel went after Dark Arle, blasting her with another Fire that was more like an inferno. However, this time Arle countered and fired back with a Heaven Ray, which this time, did hurt Doppel.

"Where did that power come from?!" Doppel said. "You were pathetic earlier!"

"wOuLdN't yOu LiKe tO kNoW." Dark Arle responded.

Doppel almost felt threatened for the first time since her battle with the Creator. But, how could this be? She was just an inferior Arle from another dimension? Where was all this power coming from? And why was it, everytime she was near Dark Arle, she felt such a familiar, but chilling presence? And why was she thinking about this? She just had to stop playing around and get serious!

"You will fall here, within this void of nothingness—and achieve nothing in the end!" Doppel shouted, before unleashing, "RAGNAROK!"

This spell was an extremely powerful spell, and would have meant doomsday if Arle was still fighting in her base form. Good thing she wasn't.

"hEhEhE... yOu tHiNk tHaT wOrThLeSs sHoW cAn StOp mE?" Dark Arle chuckled, avoiding the Ragnarok, before unleashing another Heaven Ray. It hit Doppel again.


"bEcAuSe tHaT's sOmEThiNG ThAt sOmEoNe wHo's WiNNinG wOuLd sAy," Dark Arle said. "sOmE gOdsLaYeR yOu aRe. hAhAhAHaHaHaHa!"

Despite what she was saying, Doppel, for the first time in a long time, was scared. Scared of Arle escaping, and suffering alone in the nothingness once again. While she was thinking this...

"bAyOeN~" Dark Arle said, unleashing it from behind Doppel. This Bayoen was different from Arle's usual Bayoen, having purple flowers, some with... angry faces on them? Either way, they damaged Doppel a lot.

"Ugh... you..." Doppel said, staring at Dark Arle.

"wHaT's ThE mAtTeR, dOpPeLgAnGeR?" Dark Arle taunted her. "sCaReD?"

"NOT A CHANCE!" Doppel screamed, before starting to unleash another spell. "ARMAGED-"

"tHuNdEr~" Dark Arle chanted, which while it didn't do too much, did distract Doppel from unleashing her spell.

"tHuNdEr~" Dark Arle chanted, which while it didn't do too much, did distract Doppel from unleashing her spell

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Panting, tired and scared for her life, Doppel did what she could. "Void... Hole..." The Void Hole cast a barrier around herself, protecting her from all damage for 30 seconds.

"sOmEoNe cOnFiDeNt aBoUt WiNniNg wOuLdN't nEeD tO HiDe hErSeLf iN a sHiELd," Dark Arle mocked her. "LeT uS gO hOmE, aNd wE MiGhT sPaRe yOuR LiFe."

"GU! GUGUGU!" Carbuncle said. It seemed like Carbuncle had also gone through a transformation. He looked a lot more agressive than the Carbuncle Doppel knew.

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