Report: Meteor

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I don't have much time to write this. I can feel the smoke suffocating my lungs as I write this out. Please, god, let me at least finish this report.

Approximately one month ago, a meteor was spotted by a cosmologist. The meteor was gigantic in diameter, and seemingly carrying some kind of dark energy. Nobody saw it as much cause for alarm, until cosmologists realised its trajectory was heading straight for our Madou World.

With our best bets at stopping the meteor, people like Arle Nadja and Satan, gone without a trace, many people seemed to try to deny the fact that the meteor was heading for our planet. It was all some people could do to cope, especially the ones that had recently lost friends or family and wanted closure.

Approximately three weeks ago, the meteor began to leak dark gasses. These gasses were toxic, and the effects from breathing them ranged from mild coughing, some became uncontrollably violent for a brief period, unable to remember what happened, to even death in one case. Some of the deniers seemed to be finally convinced when the gasses came down.

Both the Harpy who had disappeared twice, and her bandmate, Panotty, came to us around this time and requested an interview.

"Harpy just came back, we've been having so much fun... and this is happening?" Panotty said with tears in his eyes.

"I hope that meteor ♪ in the sky ♪ isn't coming for us ♪ or I might cry ♪" Harpy said (note: her voice was not pleasant).

Approximately two weeks ago, the gasses became unbearable. Almost everyone was forced inside. The symptoms became worse, some who breathed the gasses briefly would become violent for hours and suffer the symptoms of a cold afterwards. The deniers were almost non existent, but not many people were, I guess, scared at this point. They were more somber, seemingly accepting their fate. The atmosphere was absolutely depressing. As well, the meteor had come close enough that you could see it with the naked eye. It was still far away, but clearly visible.

In an interview we conducted with Serilly, the mermaid girl who briefly disappeared from our last report, after we assured her she would not be eaten, she reported that even the sea was unbearable at this point.

Seven days ago, it was only a single day until impact. By this point, the gasses covered half the planet, and approximately 25 seconds of exposure would cause dizziness. 2 minutes of exposure would send one into a frenzied state. It was at this point I managed to put on a gas mask, run to the Nadja household and get another brief talk with Arle Nadja's mother.

I: "Do you know where your daughter is?"

A: "I know she is safe. I don't know how, but I do."

I: "You said she disappeared the same way your husband did. How is this different?"

A: "That time, I felt uneasy. This time, I feel some kind of reassurance."

I: "Where do you think she is?"

A: "My only guess is another planet."

I: "If you could say anything to her, what would you say?"

A: "Goodbye, Arle. Please... stay safe."

Several hours before impact, someone burst into my office and said she saw Arle and Carbuncle. She also said some kind of shadowy creature was accompanying them. She heard Arle complain about dizziness before they all disappeared. Either this person's sanity was infected by the gasses, or the meteor's gasses is creating shadow creatures.

I didn't witness the minute of impact. I went into my bunker to ensure my own survival. Nobody I asked seemed to want to come in with me for some reason. Either way, the boom was deafeningly loud. But seriously, it made me go deaf.

Approximately three days ago, the gasses started leaking into my bunker. They hadn't been significant enough to affect me yet. However, a few days ago, significantly more leaked in, despite the fact that I barricaded it. That's when I started writing this report, so anyone who find it in the future can learn of what happened. I've been trying to hold on to my own mind the whole time, but I think it's starting to fail.

If you are from a far-flung future, I pray nothing like this happens to you. And I weep for those 

who are still missing to this day.



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