- Chapter 5 -

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Uraraka gives Katsuki a look before standing up. 

"Listen, i don't think that's the best thing to do right now." 

Kirishima glances between the two, conflicted on what to say. Katsuki narrows his eyes at her, staying in his seat with his body in her direction, sitting backwards on his chair. 

"And why the fuck not?" 

Uraraka clenches her fists slightly before taking a deep breath, her shoulders relaxing slightly. 

"I don't know about you, since you've just been sitting around these past few weeks, but everyone is exhausted. We can't really do anything if none of us have any energy. What if those things attack the group that goes? Then we'll be losing a lot of our friends." 

Katsuki looks behind Uraraka at the faces of his fellow classmates. Some of them look drained, their eyes dull and sunken in. Others look determined, fire in their eyes. 

"We have to take that risk, or we'll end up dying in this fucking classroom! If we stay here, then it's the same shit as going out there!"  

Uraraka takes a step towards him, her face hard, her own determination clear in her voice. 

"Waiting for help and being torn apart and eaten are two different things!" 

"They both end with all of dying so what's the fucking point?! I'd rather die fucking fighting then sitting here!" 

"Thats you Bakugo! Not all of us think like you! Besides, are you even going with the group that you send out there to die?!" 

Katsuki glares as the two of them get louder. 

"Of fucking course I'm going! It was my fucking plan round cheeks!" 

"Then go by yourself! don't go dragging the rest of us down with you!" 

"I'm trying to fucking help dumbass! What do you not fucking understand about that?!" 

Momo comes in between the two of them, Iida behind her, giving both of them stern looks. She looks at Uraraka then Katsuki. 

"Please, the two of you need to stop yelling. i understand that everyone is tense right now but screaming at each other won't solve anything. Let's just take a step back and talk about this calmly." 

Uraraka looks back at Momo, her hand gesturing to Katsuki. 

"You know him Momo! he's always off doing his own thing and ignoring all of us! He thinks he's better than the rest of us and now he wants us to risk our lives?!" 

Uraraka glares back at Katsuki, who steps closer angrily. 

"If you wanna fucking die in this shit hole, be my guest! But that doesn't mean every single damn person feels the same way you do!" 

"I just wanna protect my friends! I don't want to see any of them dying like that, none of us wanna see each other die! We are too tired and weak right now to do anything even if we wanted to!" 

"And we all will only get weaker and weaker the more we fucking wait and sit here! Food doesn't just appear out of thin fucking air round cheeks!" 

"Then we wait for people to come and save us! There is bound to be someone!" 

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