- Chapter 14 -

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"Go with them. I doubt you would be any help since she can't defend herself as well trying to take are of Kirishima. But it's not like you'll be any help here either. Bakugou, you go to protect them."

"Sir, i can take care of all three of us. I would prefer if Bakugou stayed to help carry things we may need."

The male looks at her, then nods firmly.


The three of them walk out the door. He looks around and Katsuki notices the flickering of the lights above their heads.

"Get any food and water, anything for first aid. Also, alcohol. Ill get the gas."

They get anything they need, even some extra things.

"...Hey. I have a question."

The male looks at Katsuki.

"I'm listening."

Katsuki looks at all the things in his hands.

"How... did you manage to survive out here by yourself. Seems like a death wish to be out here like that."

He is silent, thinking.

"Well i had nowhere else to go."

Katsuki opens his mouth to say more but the male talks before he can get anything out.

"I think it's about time we head back. It's almost dark."

They carefully leave and get back inside the truck.


The male hands a nailed bat to Momo, an axe to Kirishima, and a blade to Bakugo.

"Take care of them."

The three of them look at each other and then look at the male. They all answer.

"Thank you, sir!"

Now with the truck tank full, it starts to run with the sound of the engine turning smoothly.

This time, the car is filled with chatter and the two telling the story of what happened while they were gone.

Zombies in small clusters or groups are spotted more than normal. There is a bad feeling in the male's stomach.

Five minutes later, a large group of zombies block the road, at least 20 feet away. Shock, fear, and worry wash through the students like a giant wave.

"Everyone stays inside. Don't make a sound."

Whispers of protest are echoed.

"But sir-"

"The crowd is too thick to just drive through and we can't use the gun, or it'll just attract more and since we can't get through, we can't go fast enough for them not to catch up. Ill handle it."

The car is silent as he takes out a flame thrower from the space between the door and the front seat. He leaves the car and walks to the group slowly.

When he catches their attention it's too late for them. He flicks it on, and the zombies burn. A gross smell that is stronger than just the zombies explode in the air.

They roll around, some crawling toward Izuku but die before they can get close. Some of them withhold against the flames and one of them runs towards him. 

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