- Chapter 19 -

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"Now now, you seem to have a lot of company! Your a devil, not a savior. Thinking of switching careers?"

The male continues to stare.

"Not a chance. I love killing thinks more then saving them. That includes humans so watch your mouth."

The man steps back.

"Alright alright. But ill need all of them to come out-"

"No chance in hell. Your not touching any of them and if you do, all your mens hands will be cut off."

The man grins.

"Its the rules."

The male growls, then rolls up the window, turning to everyone.

"Listen. Leave your weapons here. If they find any on you they will take them. I wont let any of them do anything so dont worry. Understand."

The class nods.

"Yes sir."

They do as he says and they line up in front of the truck. Men come out, looking at them.

"Woah, these girls have racks! And what pretty eyes!"

Men look at all of them, some going to touch, their eyes hungry.

"Ooh look at this one! Red eyes like daggers!"

Someone says, staring at katsuki who glares. Another almost touches momos boob, almost. The male cuts off his hand, blood splattering as he screams loudly.

"Oh no, my hand slipped. Better shut him up before he causes unwanted attention."

The man from the booth glares then signals something and the man is shut up by a bullet in his head. The mans glare turns into a smile.

"No need to be violent mr. Rabbit! Lets make a deal. How much weapons do you want for the girls? Anything, just name your price-"

"Shut the fuck up. They arent for sale.Now let us pass. Get in the car."

The class nods.

"Yes sir."

They hurry into the car. The man laughs.

"They call you sir? Woah, such obedient dogs."

The man laughs.

"They are. So. dowe have to take them away from their owner?"

The male takes out his axes.

"You can try."

The man laughs.

"Pathetic. Always bark no bite. Your just as useless as you were back then. What makes you think you can save them? Your out numbered and you have no skill. How sad-"

"Shut your damn mouth!"

Katsuki comes out of the car followed by the rest.

"We wont just sit back and watch you disrespect the man who saved your lives!"

"Your gonna wish you just kept your mouth shut bastard!"

The man laughs.

"Oh look-"

A gun shot rings out as the man dies. The male holds a gun and just starts shooting and while, he starts talking.

"That was nice of you all but get back in the car. Zombies will be here any minute and i only got rid of the snipers. Come on."

Everyone gets inside and they book it, driving out of the town.

"Did you see the way he looked at you sir?! How sickening!"

"Yeah, what pigs!"

"They'll get whats coming to them!" 

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