Nemona's Obsession 4

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Socarrat trail was the arguably the most remote area of Paldea save for the ominous Area Zero. There were no nearby towers or pokemon centers in sight, meaning air cabs never came here. The beautiful orange forest made up the subregion. Despite the springtime, the entire northwestern section of Paldea felt as if it were temporally locked in an eternal autumn. The light brown and tan grass swayed as a cozy feel spread through the entire forest trail.

Amidst the dark oak trees, Nemona and Florian were having a picnic.

Florian had only gotten stronger since their last battle, and Nemona couldn't help but grow excited. He had come so far in such a short amount of time. It was like yesterday he was running around with his little litleo, now he had a whole team with him ready to tackle the Elite 4 soon.

He had informed her that he planned to face off against them during summer break, deciding to prioritize his final exams first. Nemona put a lot of effort into making sure her eye didn't twitch in absolute irritation at the fact that she had to wait a few more months and probably some extra days or weeks before Florian could finally prove if he were a champion-ranked trainer or not.

He also shared some other things, such as how his sister was also rising up the ranks of the battling circuit, Arven was busy getting ticks off his mabosstiff, and how he (Florian) and Penny were binging a new anime that came out recently.

Nemona couldn't help but seethe even more. It was that girl again. Galarian rat coming in to derail her plans. She'll show her.

Florian was currently asleep, resting on her side of the picnic table. His body laid across the picnic bench while his head was laying down on her lap. As her little rival dozed off, Nemona watched all of their pokemon slumber along the grass.

After a morning of battles, their pokemon all had their lunches alongside their trainers and took their siestas. The only one who was still awake was, as expected, Florian's pyroar. Normally pyroars sleep for most hours of the day, but Florian's seemed keen on keeping its fighting abilities sharp. The lion casually sends a pack of maschiff running as it pins down their mabosstiff leader.

Nemona tosses a ball over at her meowscarada's direction, waking the anthropomorphic feline from its cat nap. The grassy cat stretched its slender form, irked by its sudden awakening. It looks at its trainer with much annoyance. Nemona stares right at her pokemon, motioning over to pyroar who was a short distance away.

Without a hitch, her meowscarada understands. Despite having acquired bipedalism, it walks on all fours on over to Florian's unsuspecting pyroar, which played with the grass. Its glorious mane flowing in the wind with each shake.

Nemona was glad to have relearned some of her sandwich making skills thanks to the school's brief class-exchange program. Mr Saguaro had all sorts of sandwiches for them, which had these mysterious abilities called meal powers that had all sorts of effects. One ingredient she'd learned was the aptly titled "Ultra Sweet Sandwich." True to its name, it was overwhelmingly sweet, even for her. But the immense sweetness had a potent effect on it.

Consisting of bananas, apples, cheese, basil, whipped cream, butter, and for some reason salt, the incredibly sweet sandwich gave her an essential meal power. Egg Power.

In her own twisted mind, this was a step in marking her territory. Nemona will see to it that she is ingrained in each and every piece of Florian's being, and that includes his pokemon. She'll make sure that good-for-nothing Penny girl understands what she's up against.

Nemona takes a bit of the ultra sweet sandwich as the two felines begin wrestling along the orangey grass. Their teammates were all far too asleep to notice.

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