The Illogician

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"Something needs to be done," says Juliana. Her eyes were fixed on her phone, looking at pictures of the school dance a month ago or so. Summer was fast approaching, after all. Juliana did have to admit, it was weird how the school was active during winter but not summer. Shouldn't it have been the other way around? But alas, that wasn't the case.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" asks Arven, sitting opposite of her. They were having another one of their usual picnic dates. This time around they were having it by Levincia beach, surrounded by some water-side pokemon and other innocent beachgoers minding their business. The sun was out, but so were the clouds which covered it, allowing for the day to be relatively cool despite summer's soon arrival. "There some pokemon shelter we need to go to or something?"

"No, no" Juliana shook her head, "I mean this." She shows Arven her phone. It was a picture of Florian and Penny during the dance. Alright, nothing unusual. Arven just raises a brow, trying to figure out what was wrong, "I don't get it."

"What do you mean you don't get it?!"

"It's just pyroar-boy and pipsqueak," says Arven, "I thought you liked them being together?"

"Yeah, that's the problem"

"You don't like Florian being with pipsqueak?" Arven was taken aback, "I mean sure, she's all nerdy and hard to talk to, and sometimes she's a bit holier than thou with her intellect but-"

"Not that!" Juliana groans, throwing her arms up in the air, "I mean Florian and Penny aren't talking to each other anymore! Something's really wrong. We need to do something about this!"

"Maybe we can invite them to a picnic"

"No that will never work" Juliana places her hand on her chin, trying to figure out some sort of master plan. Any plan will do. She's been pondering on how exactly to attack the problem for a few nights now. "We need to... steer them back in each other's direction."

"With a picnic"

Juliana just gives Arven a deadpan look. He gives her a mischievous smile. Sometimes she couldn't believe this man was the same person she met during the start of the school year. All intensive and serious and what not. She couldn't stay mad at this cheerier version of him, so she rolls her eyes before picking up her sandwich, "I'll work with Penny, you go handle Flor."

"Why do I have to handle Florian? He's your brother!" Arven complained, Juliana raises a brow, "Arven, I love you, but we both know you and Penny are like two sides of the same sponge."

"Fair, fair" Arven conceded, "but how exactly am I going to steer Florian in the right direction?" A good question, Juliana was basically the only person who could get through to both of them, realistically speaking. The girl only had one response, "considering it a bonding experience between you two then."

Arven just grumbles, but he does accept.


With the final exams over, the last remaining weeks for Paldea University were used solely for preparing for graduation as well as concluding any last needs for the famous Treasure Hunt project. The end result is a mostly relaxed period for everyone involved, as there were literally no more classes to be had or quizzes to attend. Honestly the only downside was that there were new meetings for students to attend in regards to preparing for some graduation tidbits. But for the most part, everybody was having fun, doing what they would normally do.

For Penny however, that unfortunately meant locking herself in her room.

Juliana made her way to Penny's dorm, which was located in one of the Uva academy residence buildings. She just smiles and waves as some of her schoolmates pass by, and tells them she was busy with a project whenever she gets asked to hang out. In fairness, she wasn't lying. She had a love mission going on. She made her way to a familiar door, she's knocked on this door several times over the school year. Often to invite Penny to some dinner or sometimes to ask for help in regards to another ludicrous math assignment that she doesn't understand. The girl knocks on her door, it has a familiar beat to it. An unmistakable one to signify that it was definitely her on the other side of that door, requesting an audience with whoever was lucky enough to receive an audience with one of the most popular girls in the university.

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