Starkiller 2

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Florian roamed Dalizapa passage, tracking something. It was elusive, moving faster than either he or koraidon could see. Atop his overgrown cyclizar, they tried to track and pursue it. As he waits for koraidon to regain a scent of any kind, Florian finds himself thinking about Operation Starfall. About Cassiopeia and what they want.

Should he do it? He asks himself countless times, each time resulting in a different answer. Team Star was tw groups away, and he could likely crush them all with the level he'd reached. But at the same time, his sister continues to cling onto something that will never come.

His koraidon gets a good smell, and heads out the passage, climbing up the rocks and heading north to Glaseado. "Hey! Hold on! I need my coat!" Florian cried out, causing the red lizard to run back to the pokemon center.


The northernmost tip of Paldea was a place Florian was familiar with. Just past the mammoth landmass that was Glaseado mountain was a beautiful meadow of flowers which was home to all sorts of beautiful pokemon. Not a building in sight too, save for the camp that the ruffians of Team Star had placed. He knows it mostly for how good target practice the local chansey are.

Cazador de cuero cabelludo was a term given to Florian around these parts. The locals that did try to call this place home as well as the travelers that came every now and again had all come to treat his presence with much fear and dread. Descending upon the egg-bearing pokemon with his dreadful horde. Collecting amidst the piles of happiny dust their scalps.

Ortega had been aware of his growing presence in the area for some time now. Florian hadn't made much of a move on the camp itself, he didn't even form any sort of perimeter. All he did was mow down the chansey in the area, as well as make sure any Team Star grunt that did try to get in his way would be sent back to base with bruises and burns so bad they might as well have been shipped back in a box.

Their attacks squashed with flame and earth, bedeviling them with his raptorial habits. The mechanic had to admit that he was relieved not to see his dreadful face again after the agreement conducted by Juliana. Behind the school in-between the end of winter and the beginning of spring. They could have had school authorities, or worse, actual authorities, on them at any point during their time there, but they never came.

Peace with Director Clavell, bah. Ortega couldn't find it in himself to believe it. But as the days went by and the spring season brought its elegant blooms, he did find himself believing. He was outside the base earlier, deciding to take a break after having spent so much of it on his starmobile.

He never felt so free, taking in the air. The winds mixed the coolness of Mount Glaseado south with the pristine sea breeze to give forth an elating and addicting concoction. The smell of flowers made him feel as if he was living within the greatest painting in the world. Surrounded by nature, where the sylveons and floette dwelled. Kilowattrels returning from sea with magikarp in their beaks for feasting. Many pokemon mate during the spring, and that was likely what was happening now.

The spring season usually had plenty of chansey as well, out and about where they would sing their songs and heal the weak as well as cheer up the miserable. But the pinkish blobs were nowhere to be seen, having hidden off in their caves and burrows, afraid of him, who can come from the mountains at any time now. They had resigned to roaming during the night, forced into nocturnality.

A frown of fury was etched on Ortega's face like a mask. Even if he and his sister do bring peace and absolve Team Star of its wrongdoings, the clean slate won't fix the fact that that fiend has upset the nature of this northern escape. But he could only sigh, perhaps Florian was just doing it to get a rise out of him, a brutal example of what was to come. He hopes that was the case.

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