Chapter 1

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Snowkit let out a huff as she rolled over, kicking the snoring gray and white kit off of her. It's so crowded in here. Seven kits and four queens! That's eleven cats! She cast an envious glance toward Stagkit and Hazelkit. They'll be apprentices soon and move out. That will be doing us all a favor.

Suddenly Snowkit felt a little sadness creeping through her. I'll miss them. They always knew the best games, and when they're apprentices they'll never have time for us anymore.

Snowkit let out a groan as Rosekit rolled over onto her. The snowy kit padded the other she-kit until she woke. Rosekit blinked open her eyes. "What do you want Snowkit? Go back to bed." she said sleepily. Snowkit puffed out her fur. "Come exploring with me." she whispered.

Suddenly, Rosekit stood up, her fur messy from sleeping. "That's a horrible idea." she whispered, but didn't sound too stern to Snowkit. "It's a great idea." Snowkit replied. Rosekit cast a worried glance toward Hawkkit. "He'll be fine. Nothing will happen to him while we're gone." Snowkit reassured her. "Promise?" Rosekit asked. "Promise." responded Snowkit.

The two she-kits warily stalked out of the nursery, but the ground was slippery with snow and Snowkit slid into Rosekit's haunches, both kits tumbling out into the moonlight. Rosekit let out a squeak as she saw it was snowing. "Rosekit! You're going to get us caught!" Snowkit stared at her sister. "But look! It's snowing!" Rosekit responded, nudging her littermate. Snowkit looked up. Wow, it really is beautiful.

Suddenly, a dark figure slunk out of the shadows. Both the kits leaped back in surprise. "Relax, it's ok." The tom mewed. He was silver and white with green eyes that flashed against the snow. "Who are you?" Rosekit managed to squeak out. The tom purred in amusement. "I'm Cloudwhisper, the deputy." Wow! Snowkit thought. It's the deputy! She stared up at him in wonder.

"What are you doing out so late?" Snowkit asked him. Cloudwhisper looked down at the kits. "Just making dirt. The real question is what are you two are doing out so late?" Mouse-dung! Snowkit forgot that they were supposed to be avoiding getting caught. Rosekit stood up straighter. "We're just exploring."

Cloudwhisper suddenly lifted Rosekit onto his shoulders and grabbed Snowkit's scruff in his jaws. Snowkit pawed at the air in retaliation to no avail.

Cloudwhisper brought them back into the nursery. Icestorm blinked open her eyes and they widened as she saw her kits. "Kits! What are you doing!" she meowed. "I caught these two taking a little stroll. No harm done." Cloudwhisper responded as he put down Snowkit. Icestorm grabbed Rosekit off of his back and tucked the two of them closer. The air was thick with tension and Snowkit longed to be outside again. Icestorm stared at Cloudwhisper as he dipped his head and padded out of the nursery in the direction of the warrior den.

Icestorm gave the kits a fierce glance and started licking their fur clean of all the snow. Snowkit had just realized how cold she was and let her mother's tongue soothe her.

Hawkkit suddenly rolled over with a loud mew. "Now you've woken Hawkkit!" Her mother cried as she leapt over to her son. She always has so much time for Hawkkit, Snowkit thought, but then guilty looked down at her paws. He deserves it, he is very sick, after all. He needs her more than we do. Icestorm gathered her three kits closer to her and snuggled up to them. "It's time to go back to sleep. You can play in the morning." She meowed as she nuzzled her kits and then laid her head down on her paws.

Icestorm was always protective over us, Snowkit thought, with Hawkkit being so sick and my final littermate, Iriskit, being still-born. Snowkit's thoughts kept whirling about the strange tom she had met and how he looked down at her and Rosekit so fondly and then the tension between him and Icestorm.

Right before Snowkit fell asleep, a single question crossed her mine. Wait a second.. could Cloudwhisper be my father?!

{·Roaring Thunder·} ~ A Warrior Cats Fanfiction (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now