feelings- bill kaulitz

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fluff? there will be another part to this btw!!


3rd person POV


you and bill had an interview, since you two where the lead singers!


1st person POV


"welcome y/n l/n and Bill Kaulitz!" said the interviewer. Me and Bill walked to them, shook hands and sat down. "hi! we are very excited to have you guys with us today! we just wanted to ask you two some questions your fans have been wondering, sorta like a Q/A if that's ok?" Me and bill both agreed while laughing, looking at each other.

God, he was so pretty. Everything about him was beautiful. "so, we are going to start off simple, are you two talking to anyone romantically at the moment?" Fuck. How am I supposed to answer this without saying I like bill? "uhm, not at the moment but there is someone very close to me I hope to maybe start a new relationship with." I said with embarrassment trying to hint at bill.

"Same here, There's someone I've had my eye on for a while now." Said bill while glancing at me, then looking down to the floor. "wow! interesting. Anyways, speaking of relationships, the fans want to know what is you guy's relationship like outside of the band?" Asked the interviewer eagerly as the crowed cheered. "It's great! I love bill so much, he's always there for me and is just amazing." I said while placing my hand on his leg, and smiling at him.

"Just being able to know y/n is amazing, they're such a happy soul and is just makes me so happy." Said bill while blushing. The interview went on with more Q/A until about an hour later, it came to an end. Me and bill left the studio and went back to the hotel we where staying at. Everyone in the band was cheering us on because of the interview, saying how well we did.

"Hey y/n, can I ask you something in private?" Asked bill, I agreed, following him into his hotel room. "um, I was just wondering, who was the person you where talking about in the interview? because it sounded kinda like you talking about me..?" Said bill while sitting down on the bed.

"oh, uhm it was? I just didn't want to tell you because I knew it would ruin things; and I knew it would wash over me soon." I said with embarrassment. "Oh thank god y/n, I feel the same, in fact, I've felt that way ever since we met, that's why I offered for you to join the band."

I stood there, in shock from what he had just said, there was no way in hell he just said that? I eventually sat on the bed next to him and layed my head on his shoulder. "so, what does this mean for us bill?" I asked confused, not wanting to ruin anything between us. "I don't know, the band would freak out if they found out about us, and the media would go insane." said bill, laying his head in the heads. "so do we just have to deal with this?" I asked with a sad tone.

"well, I think I have a plan." Said bill while smiling.


(HII!! I'M BACK! sorry for not writing for so long, I've been really busy, I forgot who requested this, but I will try to do a lot of you guy's request!! And yes, there will be another part to this!)

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