favourite food

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Tony: Ice cream- Eating it in the lab with your dad while he explains his project is one of your favourite memory's with each other.

Bruce: Pizza- Again your dad ordering it for you and him when he works late in the lab.

Steve: Spaghetti- Eating this and talking about your day was very special

Nat: you don't really have one

Thor: Turkey- You and him would always request turkey for dinner almost every night at the palace.

Clint: Burgers- When he was home, he would be grilling outside making burgers. It was the time you would practice your archery and talk with him.

Wanda and Vision: A slovakin dish your mother would make for you guys every once in a while.

Bucky: Grilled cheese- He loves making you something and since he is a terrible cook he loves to make it for you.

Sam: Protien Shakes- He loves going on runs with you and Steve, even sometimes Bucky. Protien shakes are your favourite after-run snack.

Wade: Chummingas- no needed explaination.

Peter Quill: microwaving Kraft dinner- He can't cook, and it is something simple enough where you guys can watch movies on the couch with it.

Peter Parker: Hot dogs- After a baseball game, he treats you to hotdogs and ice cream.

Loki: Chicken- You will always compete with Thor and his kid to eat chicken instead of Turkey. 

Gamora: Cheese- You just both love cheese.

Venom: tater tots- That's something Venom and Eddie both love to eat.

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