Tchalla catch up

47 0 0

DOB: July 12th

First word: King

Nickname for you: Princess

illness: Pnemonuia


contact names: King Father - tchalla my princess-you

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contact names: King Father - tchalla my princess-you

hobby: Hanging out with your Aunt Shuri

favourite song: You don't have one

sport you play: fencing

favourite food: a famous Wakandan dish

favourite colour: black

you have a nightmare: You have a nightmare about Killmonger coming back and brutally murdering your dad. He let you sleep with him and he took a day of work just to comfort you over the nightmare.

Where you go on vacation: New York

Godparents: Tony Stark 

You get hurt: You got sick from one of your aunt Shuri's experiments, and your dad was by your side for the 2 days you were sick. And by sick I mean fever, vomiting, the whole package deal.

How many kids you have: 3

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