Matt Murdock catch-up

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A/n: I am just watching DareDevil and am literally in love with this guy, so here he is!

DOB: November 22nd

First word: Devil

Nickname: my little devil

illness: 10/20 vision


contact names: DareDevil <3- Matt DareDevilette-you

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contact names: DareDevil <3- Matt DareDevilette-you

hobby: helping your dad with cases, reading to him

favourite song: Smells Like Teen Spirit- Mailia J

sport: Boxing

favourite colour: red

favourite food: you don't have one

Where you go on vacation: Alaska

Godparents: Foggy and Karen

you get hurt: You fought with a guy at the gym and broke your wrist. Your dad threw a temper tantrum and broke his cane. 

How many kids you have: 0

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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